
More than two months have passed without any notices or updates on this issue, 
and looking at the bugreport absolutely nothing has been done since then. 
What´s confusing me is that the release management for oVirt 3.2 has this 
clearly printed:
"MUST: Upgrade from previous release"

And you all seem too busy with getting the next release out of the door before 
fixing the current... What gives? Don´t you care about early adopters?

Best Regards
Karli Sjöberg

fre 2013-04-05 klockan 10:24 +0200 skrev Sandro Bonazzola:
Hi Karli,
we're still working on it

Il 02/04/2013 12:22, Karli Sjöberg ha scritto:


has there been any progress regarding this matter?

Best Regards
Karli Sjöberg

fre 2013-03-15 klockan 14:12 +0000 skrev Karli Sjöberg:
fre 2013-03-15 klockan 14:59 +0100 skrev Sandro Bonazzola:
Il 13/03/2013 12:24, Karli Sjöberg ha scritto:

ons 2013-03-13 klockan 12:00 +0100 skrev Dave Neary:

Hi Karli,

On 03/11/2013 12:16 PM, Karli Sjöberg wrote:
> Hi,
> in the absence of any official path,  we have started working out our own
> procedure for going from oVirt-3.1/Fedora 17 to oVirt-3.2/Fedora 18.

Indeed, I have not seen any documentation in the wiki yet on upgrading
oVirt - would you be interested in writing up your experiences there as
a guide to others?


That was my intention to share a working procedure once it was complete but I 
unfortunately hit a wall at "engine-upgrade". I would be very glad, and able to 
continue, if that obstacle could be lifted.

My experience in upgrading from oVirt-3.1/Fedora 17 to oVirt-3.2/Fedora 18:

On Fedora 17:
Be sure to have the latest updates running: yum distro-sync
Set exclude=ovirt* in /etc/yum.conf
Execute: fedup --disablerepo=ovirt* --network 18

When you have a running Fedora 18:

# systemctl list-units --failed
httpd.service      loaded failed failed The Apache HTTP Server
postgresql.service loaded failed failed PostgreSQL database server

# systemctl stop postgresql.service
# tar cJvf pgsql-backup.tar.xz /var/lib/pgsql/data/
# yum install postgresql-upgrade

# cp /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf /root/pg_hba.conf.ovirt

edit /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf changing md5 to trust on the local line.

# diff -u pg_hba.conf.ovirt pg_hba.conf
--- pg_hba.conf.ovirt   2013-01-30 20:58:49.404000000 +0100
+++ pg_hba.conf 2013-01-30 20:59:06.709000000 +0100
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@
 # TYPE  DATABASE        USER            ADDRESS                 METHOD

 # "local" is for Unix domain socket connections only
-local   all             all                                     md5
+local   all             all                                     trust
 # IPv4 local connections:
 host    all             all               md5
 # IPv6 local connections:

# postgresql-setup upgrade
Redirecting to /bin/systemctl stop  postgresql.service
Upgrading database: OK

See /var/lib/pgsql/pgupgrade.log for details.

# cp /root/pg_hba.conf.ovirt /var/lib/pgsql/data/pg_hba.conf
# systemctl postgrsql.service restart

edit /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf:
# diff -u ssl.conf.ovirt ssl.conf
--- ssl.conf.ovirt      2013-01-30 21:21:06.906000000 +0100
+++ ssl.conf    2013-01-30 21:22:02.757000000 +0100
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
 # consult the online docs. You have been warned.

-LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so
+#LoadModule ssl_module modules/mod_ssl.so

 # When we also provide SSL we have to listen to the
@@ -40,7 +40,7 @@
 #   Semaphore:
 #   Configure the path to the mutual exclusion semaphore the
 #   SSL engine uses internally for inter-process synchronization.
-SSLMutex default
+#SSLMutex default

 #   Pseudo Random Number Generator (PRNG):
 #   Configure one or more sources to seed the PRNG of the

# /bin/systemctl restart  httpd.service

Remove the line exclude=ovirt* from /etc/yum.conf

# yum update ovirt-engine-setup
# engine-upgrade

However, during the upgrade I've stepped into 
We are still working on the upgrade actions.
Our procedures looks almost exactly the same, and we have gotten just as far as 
you have. Good to know.


Sandro Bonazzola
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Med Vänliga Hälsningar
Karli Sjöberg
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Box 7079 (Visiting Address Kronåsvägen 8)
S-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
Phone:  +46-(0)18-67 15 66
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