On 06/22/2013 02:43 PM, Karli Sjöberg wrote:
Hi Itamar!

I think another consideration here is with the issues around upgrades
with fedora (which breaks itself during upgrade), if recommending to
deploy on .el6[1] (RHEL/CentOS/etc.) platforms wouldn't be better.

[1] until other platforms are added - ubuntu is starting to look close.

So that Fedora can be the testingbed that it was designed to be; yes I think so to. But 
there have been issues going from CentOS-6.3- to 6.4 with oVirt as well, no? I mean, 
isn´t upgrading issues something that needs dealing with sooner rather than later, 
regardless of the distribution? Or are "we" hoping for that much better 
maintainability between CentOS-6.X and oVirt-3.X that they can live alongside of each 
other throughout their respective lifespan?

There weren´t any "official" packages for CentOS when we set up our platform, otherwise 
we would have probably chosen CentOS right from start, for that increased stability. But is there 
any commitment from your side to continue supporting oVirt on CentOS, or is it going to continue 
being more or less a "one-man show"? (No offense to Dreyou, keep up the good work, 
awesome job so far)

Best Regards
Karli Sjöberg


Dreyou can only be commended for the work he did for .el6 support.
and to your question - yes - .el6 has been officially added to oVirt and will remain maintained.
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