tis 2013-06-25 klockan 15:35 +0200 skrev Gianluca Cecchi:
On Tue, Jun 25, 2013 at 2:58 PM, Karli Sjöberg wrote:

Yes, I had much better success following that article, and managed to upgrade 
fedora to 18, had to tune my kernel parameters a little for the postgres 
upgrade to work, but then engine-upgrade fails just as it did the last time we 
tried. The log is attached. Hoping to hear back from you soon with ideas on 
what to try next.

But now the error seems different from the original one in March (if I remember 
correctly the original post).

They are quite the same:

psql:drop_old_uuid_functions.sql:25: ERROR:  cannot drop function uuid_nil() 
because extension uuid-ossp requires it

2013-06-25 14:52:16::DEBUG::common_utils::473::root:: stderr = 
psql:drop_old_uuid_functions.sql:25: ERROR:  cannot drop function uuid_nil() 
because extension uuid-ossp requires it

Could it be somehow related with this rhev one bug:

and that changing permissions for the impacted objects in db before running 
upgrade could help?

Very interesting, thanks for the hint! That is definitely worth trying out. 
Will try that first thing tomorrow:)

BTW: is your environment directly created in 3.1 or did it come from a further 

Started with a minimal Fedora 17 install, added the oVirt-3.1 repo, ran yum 
upgrade -y first, then yum install -y ovirt-engine and lastly engine-setup. 
Nothing more. So it´s just an empty engine that I´m trying to upgrade at this 
point. When that works, I´ll add hosts, VMs, Templates, etc.



Med Vänliga Hälsningar
Karli Sjöberg
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Box 7079 (Visiting Address Kronåsvägen 8)
S-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
Phone:  +46-(0)18-67 15 66
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