
On 09/17/2013 11:40 PM, Hervé Leclerc wrote:
I've tested it on a win2008 r2. If you follow the Readme et clone the git repo: it works like a charm. I've just an error un vdsm wheni start the service on windows : vdsm.log.4:VM Channels Listener::ERROR::2013-09-17 12:15:19,220::guestIF::185::vm.Vm::(_handleMessage) vmId=`8faea523-4f4e-46b4-9d63-56fc17428a2a`::Unknown message type fqdn
This is due to a new message introduced in ovirt-guest-agent 1.0.8 and your vdsm does not yet know about that.

Tests are made on CentOS 3.3 branch vdsm 4.10.3
I will test it on  3.3 / vdsm 4.12
IIRC this should not report this error.

Nevertheless, the error should not cause any problems. It's simply that VDSM does not know about it, better to report it than to ignore it and not letting anyone know. :)

Hervé Leclerc
Alter Way
1, rue royale
9 ème étage
92210 St Cloud
+33 1 78152407
+33 6 83979598


On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 11:11 PM, Liviu Elama <liviu.el...@gmail.com <mailto:liviu.el...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Thanks for that , i'll give it a go.

    Any reasons why there isn't an ISO part of engine rpm for it?

    On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 6:50 PM, Karli Sjöberg
    <karli.sjob...@slu.se <mailto:karli.sjob...@slu.se>> wrote:

        tis 2013-09-17 klockan 08:47 +0200 skrev Hervé Leclerc:

        Exactly! But you still need the rest of the tree to actually
        install anything anyway, which is why I wrote that you need to
        clone the tree first.

Hervé Leclerc CTO Alter Way 1, rue royale 9 ème étage 92210 St Cloud +33 1 78152407 <tel:%2B33%201%2078152407> +33 6 83979598 <tel:%2B33%206%2083979598>


        On Tue, Sep 17, 2013 at 8:28 AM, Karli Sjöberg
<karli.sjob...@slu.se <mailto:karli.sjob...@slu.se>> wrote: tis 2013-09-17 klockan 08:56 +0300 skrev Itamar Heim:
            On 09/17/2013 08:18 AM, Karli Sjöberg wrote:
            > tis 2013-09-17 klockan 11:09 +1200 skrev Liviu Elama:
            >> hi
            >> I've been googling for a couple of days now trying to find the
            >> ovirt-guest-agent for windows.
            >> I have found a few references to rhevm having the tools iso but
            >> nothing on ovirt.
            >> Is there a guest tools iso for ovirt as well?
            > Yes, you can "git clone" this:
            > You´ll get with a directory called "ovirt-guest-agent", and 
inside of
            > that is another directory also called "ovirt-guest-agent" where 
there is
            > a README-windows.txt with instructions on how to intstall. HTH

            is this wiki-fied somewhere?

            Not that I´ve seen at least, this is what I found out
from digging around a little.

            Med Vänliga Hälsningar
            Karli Sjöberg
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        Med Vänliga Hälsningar
        Karli Sjöberg
        Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
        Box 7079 (Visiting Address Kronåsvägen 8)
        S-750 07 Uppsala, Sweden
        Phone: +46-(0)18-67 15 66 <tel:%2B46-%280%2918-67%2015%2066>
        karli.sjob...@slu.se <mailto:karli.sjob...@adm.slu.se>

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        Users@ovirt.org <mailto:Users@ovirt.org>

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