> From: "Giuseppe Ragusa" <giuseppe.rag...@hotmail.com>
> To: "Yedidyah Bar David" <d...@redhat.com>
> Cc: "Users@ovirt.org" <users@ovirt.org>
> Sent: Tuesday, March 25, 2014 11:49:36 PM
> Subject: RE: [Users] Otopi pre-seeded answers and firewall settings

> Hi Didi,
> many thanks for your invaluable help!

> I'll try your suggestion
> (/etc/ovirt-host-deploy.conf.d/99-prevent-iptables.conf) asap and then I
> will report back.

> By the way: I have a really custom iptables setup (multiple separated
> networks on hypervisor hosts), so I suppose it's best to hand tune firewall
> rules and then leave them alone (I pre-configure them, so the setup
> procedure won't be impeded in its communication needs anyway AND I will
> always guarantee the most stringent filtering possible with default deny
> ecc.).

I now asked Sandro and he told me the obvious: In the "New Host" form there is 
a checkbox for that :-) 

In hosted-engine we do not support that, it's always set - ' 
override_iptables=True ' in [1]. 

You can open a bug if you want, to make this configurable. 

It might make sense to use the value input in the question about iptables, but 
these are different issues. 

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