On Thu, Oct 2, 2014 at 8:34 PM, Bob Doolittle <b...@doolittle.us.com> wrote:

> I can't seem to find any spec for the "usual guest OBS repositories" for
> guest-agent on Ubuntu. It's not specified on this page:
> http://www.ovirt.org/How_to_install_the_guest_agent_in_Ubuntu
> Note that this page and the pages it references probably need updating,
> since it's supposed to provide links to all relevant info for all platforms:
> http://www.ovirt.org/Understanding_Guest_Agents_and_Other_Tools#Linux_Guests
> Pointer for Ubuntu please?
> Thanks,
>     Bob
I think correct link is what I referred in my first answer and that I used:

In that page we have the timestamp and tested version of
*Name*: oVirt Guest Agent on Ubuntu
*Modules*: ovirt-guest-agent
*Target version*: 3.4.1
*Status*: Done
*Last updated*: 2014-08-05 by Vfeenstr

That is valid also for 3.5rc3 and ubuntu 14.04

I edited the page

pointing to my referred page.
Let me know if ok for all....

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