Yaniv Dary
Technical Product Manager
Red Hat Israel Ltd.
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Tel : +972 (9) 7692306
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IRC : ydary

On Fri, Aug 28, 2015 at 4:19 AM, SULLIVAN, Chris (WGK) <
chris.sulli...@woodgroupkenny.com> wrote:

> Hi,
> I recently re-installed my test oVirt environment, upgrading from 3.5.2 to
> 3.6.0 beta 3 (Engine 3.6.0-0.0.master.20150819134454.gite6b79a7.el7.centos,
> VDSM 4.17.3-0.el7.centos, GlusterFS 3.7.3-1.el7) in the process. Due to a
> software issue outside of oVirt I had to start with a clean install for
> 3.6, however I kept all the old storage domains. All hosts and the engine
> are running CentOS 7.1 and I'm using hosted-engine.
> During the setup/recovery process I encountered the following issues:
> :: Could not create GlusterFS Data domain due to 'General Exception'
> I attempted to create a Data domain using a FQDN associated with a
> floating IP, so that hosts could still mount the domain when the specific
> GlusterFS host used to define the storage was down. This FQDN was
> resolvable and contactable on each host in the farm. The floating IP is
> shared between two of the four GlusterFS hosts. The logs reported an
> unhandled exception ('x not in list') raised by the below statement (line
> 340 in
> https://github.com/oVirt/vdsm/blob/master/vdsm/storage/storageServer.py ):
>     def _get_backup_servers_option(self):
>         servers = [brick.split(":")[0] for brick in self.volinfo['bricks']]
>         servers.remove(self._volfileserver)   #<--- Exception thrown here
>         if not servers:
>             return ""
>         return "backup-volfile-servers=" + ":".join(servers)
> My assumption (without looking too deep in the code) was that since I used
> a FQDN that did not have any bricks associated with it,
> 'self._volfileserver' would be set to a name that would not appear in
> 'servers', resulting in the exception. I patched it as per the following:
>     def _get_backup_servers_option(self):
>         servers = [brick.split(":")[0] for brick in self.volinfo['bricks']]
>         if self._volfileserver in servers:
>             self.log.warn("Removing current volfileserver %s..." %
> self._volfileserver)
>             servers.remove(self._volfileserver)
>         else:
>             self.log.warn("Current volfileserver not in servers.")
>         if not servers:
>             return ""
>         return "backup-volfile-servers=" + ":".join(servers)
> Once patched the Data domain created successfully and appears to be
> working normally, although I'm not sure if the above change has any
> negative knock-on effects throughout the code or in specific situations.
> I'd suggest that the _get_backup_servers_option method be tweaked to handle
> this configuration gracefully by someone with more knowledge of the code,
> either by allowing the configuration or rejecting it with a suitable error
> message if the configuration is intended to be unsupported.
> :: Could not import VMs from old Data domain due to unsupported video type
> (VGA)
> Once the new data center was up and running, I attached the old Data
> domain and attempted to import the VMs/templates. Template import worked
> fine, however VM import failed with an error stating the video device
> (which came up as VGA) was not supported. I attempted to fix this by
> specifically defining the video type as 'qxl' in the .ovf file for the VM
> in the OVF_STORE for the old storage however the VM would always come up
> with video type VGA in the import dialog, and the import dialog does not
> permit the value to be changed.
> The workaround was to add 'vnc/vga' to the supported protocols list in a
> .properties file in the engine OSinfo folder, e.g.:
> os.other.devices.display.protocols.value =
> spice/qxl,vnc/cirrus,vnc/qxl,vnc/vga
> Once the engine was restarted the VM import process worked fine, and there
> have been no issues starting the VM with a VGA device or accessing the VM's
> console. To resolve the issue I'd suggest that either:
>  - 'vnc/vga' be added to the default supported protocols list; or
> - the video type defined in the .ovf file for the VM to be imported is
> recognized/honoured by the import dialog; or
> - if the import dialog defaults to a particular video device, that it
> default to one that is supported by the engine for the OS defined in the
> VM's .ovf file.
> I can create Bugzilla entries for the above if required.

Please do.

> Cheers,
> Chris
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> -----------------------------
> -----Original Message-----
> Date: Thu, 20 Aug 2015 16:06:29 +0200
> From: Sandro Bonazzola <sbona...@redhat.com>
> To: annou...@ovirt.org, de...@ovirt.org, users <users@ovirt.org>
> Subject: [ovirt-users] [ANN] oVirt 3.6.0 Third Beta Release is now
>         available       for testing
> Message-ID:
>         <CAPQRNT=
> 3vkscpml7pks9zj1lo9pm7iobc1hjcfyiozhxrtk...@mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> The oVirt Project is pleased to announce the availability of the Third
> Beta release
> of oVirt 3.6 for testing, as of August 20th, 2015.
> oVirt is an open source alternative to VMware vSphere, and provides an
> excellent KVM management interface for multi-node virtualization.
> This release is available now for Fedora 22,
> Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6.7, CentOS Linux 6.7 (or similar) and
> Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1, CentOS Linux 7.1 (or similar).
> This release supports Hypervisor Hosts running
> Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.1, CentOS Linux 7.1 (or similar),
> Fedora 21 and Fedora 22.
> Highly experimental support for Debian 8.1 Jessie has been added too.
> This release of oVirt 3.6.0 includes numerous bug fixes.
> See the release notes [1] for an initial list of the new features and bugs
> fixed.
> Please refer to release notes [1] for Installation / Upgrade instructions.
> New Node ISO and oVirt Live ISO will be available soon as well[2].
> Please note that mirrors[3] may need usually one day before being
> synchronized.
> Please refer to the release notes for known issues in this release.
> [1]
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ovirt.org_OVirt-5F3.6-5FRelease-5FNotes&d=BQICAg&c=TIOfIC5RJMrWnrHy3gMA_uzZorHPsT2JAZ4ovvKrwfU&r=BySoqRnx7DkFgW9jTr0X3n4jyUCYMhEW3zohkx1y9UMLY3AiKE4p3_xbrUE-TEkT&m=Nn2-jEauzS-3jS1qzRYroOb5HLr9xHTH-kdgQC0YWhI&s=CzCRmHZiGpuu341ieDFsmwEUuRajELDr78ua7UX9mKU&e=
> [2]
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__plain.resources.ovirt.org_pub_ovirt-2D3.6-2Dpre_iso_&d=BQICAg&c=TIOfIC5RJMrWnrHy3gMA_uzZorHPsT2JAZ4ovvKrwfU&r=BySoqRnx7DkFgW9jTr0X3n4jyUCYMhEW3zohkx1y9UMLY3AiKE4p3_xbrUE-TEkT&m=Nn2-jEauzS-3jS1qzRYroOb5HLr9xHTH-kdgQC0YWhI&s=mPY7dO52ezx7oRn7jBQP9bzNs_rGLMOEPs20pEhuQR8&e=
> <
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__plain.resources.ovirt.org_pub_ovirt-2D3.6-2Dpre_iso_ovirt-2Dnode_&d=BQICAg&c=TIOfIC5RJMrWnrHy3gMA_uzZorHPsT2JAZ4ovvKrwfU&r=BySoqRnx7DkFgW9jTr0X3n4jyUCYMhEW3zohkx1y9UMLY3AiKE4p3_xbrUE-TEkT&m=Nn2-jEauzS-3jS1qzRYroOb5HLr9xHTH-kdgQC0YWhI&s=avw4dK3ngXfUFAdV5uDXc6LXp0WdOFK8fXswDC7zqC4&e=
> >
> [3]
> https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__www.ovirt.org_Repository-5Fmirrors-23Current-5Fmirrors&d=BQICAg&c=TIOfIC5RJMrWnrHy3gMA_uzZorHPsT2JAZ4ovvKrwfU&r=BySoqRnx7DkFgW9jTr0X3n4jyUCYMhEW3zohkx1y9UMLY3AiKE4p3_xbrUE-TEkT&m=Nn2-jEauzS-3jS1qzRYroOb5HLr9xHTH-kdgQC0YWhI&s=T95FRLT9YbdmZ2CV28geRRgYdV-a-eULjbrn6Xz0Jcw&e=
> --
> Sandro Bonazzola
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