On 28/07/17 10:50, Juan Hernández wrote:
[oVirt shell (connected)]# list glustervolumes --cluster-identifier 00000002-0002-0002-0002-000000000345

id         : 23f8f1ae-a3ac-47bf-8223-5b5f7c29e508
name       : data_ssd

id         : 6be35972-4720-4d34-b2b0-26ffc294f8a3
name       : engine

id         : 66f33b1e-7bc8-44cf-9cca-9041b0e0dd15
name       : export

id         : cc2c9765-6a3d-4281-8af8-c3526a81cfab
name       : iso

So there is something wrong with the "data_ssd" storage domain, apparently, as the identifier that can't be found corresponds to that storage domain. Can you try to retrieve that storage domain? Just use your browser to get the following URL:


Also this, in case the problem is related to version 3 of the API:


Do they work?

Nope, 404 both v4 and v3 API, but if I go to the storagedomains/ root, I get completely different UUIDs listed there. For example, in the case of the "data_ssd" domain, the UUID is 7a28ea1a-df7e-4205-bb96-45ff2817f175

Why is the ovirt console showing a completely different UUID?

Anyway, I've replaced the storage domain UUID with the one that works with the REST API and something improved: now I don't get the 404 from ovirt and the machine is not deleted BUT: I've added 2 disks (20GB and 30GB) plus the base template 8Gb disk, and I get a VM with four (4) 8GB disks, and the bootable one is a random disk

I've attached the engine.log with the (I hope) relevant messages


Attachment: ovirt-engine-20170728.log.gz
Description: application/gzip

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