
     can you check what 'hosted-engine --vm-status' reports and can you
check if you are able to ping the hostname of HE vm from your hosts and the
machine where you are trying to access the browser ?


On Tue, Sep 19, 2017 at 7:47 PM, Mat Gomes <mgo...@clearpoolgroup.com>

> Hi Guys,
> I’m attempting to rebuild my environment for production testing, We’ve
> multiple locations NY and CH with a 2+1arbiter setup, this will run
> Geo-Replication.
> All goes smoothly, VM starts and I’m able to login onto it via SSH, I
> usually stop Firewalld as it usually causes the Web-GUI to be unreachable
> This time around the Web GUI can’t be reached, I’ve done more than 10
> deployments and tests but I’m not sure what’s causing this, 4.1.5 was
> deployed same exact way aswell. it all seems to be running fine, port 80 is
> listening, I’ve seem most of the logs but nothing stands out.
> Please help.
> Steps:
> #Puppet Installation/deployment.
> class ovirt {
>     package { 'centos-release-gluster310':
>         ensure => installed,
>     }
>     package { 'ovirt-release41-4.1.6-1.el7.centos.noarch':
>         ensure  => installed,
>         source => "http://resources.ovirt.org/
> pub/yum-repo/ovirt-release41.rpm",
>         provider => 'rpm',
>         install_options => ['--nosignature'],
>     }
>     $ovirt_packages = ['system-storage-manager','
> vdsm-gluster','ovirt-hosted-engine-setup','ovirt-engine-
> appliance','glusterfs-server',]
>     package { $ovirt_packages:
>         ensure => installed,
>         require => [ Package['centos-release-gluster310','ovirt-release41-
> 4.1.6-1.el7.centos.noarch']],
>         install_options => ['--disablerepo=epel'],
>     }
>     service { 'glusterd':
>         ensure => running,
>         enable => true,
>         require => [ Package['vdsm-gluster'],
> File['/etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol']],
>     }
>     file { '/etc/glusterfs/glusterd.vol':
>         ensure  => file,
>         source  => 'puppet:///modules/ovirt/glusterd.vol',
>         owner   => root,
>         group   => root,
>         mode    => '0644',
>     }  <- All works fine.
> Once everything is up/running deployed, peer-probed, ssh-keys are
> created/shared, volumes settings are set and started:
> gluster volume create engine replica 3 arbiter 1
> host1:/data/glusterfs/vol1/engine host2:/data/glusterfs/vol1/engine
> host3:/data/glusterfs/vol1/engine
> gluster volume set engine cluster.quorum-type auto
> gluster volume set engine network.ping-timeout 10
> gluster volume set engine auth.allow \*
> gluster volume set engine group virt
> gluster volume set engine storage.owner-uid 36
> gluster volume set engine storage.owner-gid 36
> gluster volume set engine server.allow-insecure on
> gluster volume start engine
> At last hosted-engine --deploy is ran,   --> https://pastebin.com/QXEwmSwT
> <--   answer file
> VM starts but no WEB GUI.
> Let me know if you need more info
> Best Regards,
> *Mat Gomes* | Assistant Vice President, IT
> *t*. 212-531-8594*  m*. 954-254-1294
> *e*. mgo...@clearpoolgroup.com
> *w*. clearpoolgroup.com <http://www.clearpoolgroup.com>
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