Need some guidance on this one.

1U with 2 NICs.
NIC 1 plugged to local switch - gets local IP
NIC 2 plugged direct to cable modem - need to set IP inside VM to public static 
VM will be CentOS, already know how to configure NIC once I can get the 2nd NIC 
assigned to it.

Do I use PCI passthru?  Or where do I start to get this configured?  I did 
setup NIC 2 under Network --> Networks.   Created a NIC called "external_NIC".  
External NIC has description and then I configured 2 DNS servers which are 
given to me by the ISP.

Under Compute --> Hosts --> <My Host> --> Network Interfaces (I have both NICs 
showing as up) --> Setup Host Networks ---> NIC 2 is the interface --> 
Assignment of Logical networks is "external_NIC".

I was assuming I was done, so I go to my VM add NIC 2, click run and I see:

Cannot run VM. There is no host that satisfies current scheduling constraints. 
See below for details:

- The host <MY HOST> did not satisfy internal filter Network because there are 
no free virtual functions which are suitable for virtual nic(s) nic2. A virtual 
function is considered as suitable if the VF's configuration of its physical 
function contains the virtual nic's network/network label.

Need guidance on what to read to get this working.

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