at the end of the command
hosted-engine --deploy

I get
[ INFO  ] TASK [Detect ovirt-hosted-engine-ha version]
[ INFO  ] changed: [localhost]
[ INFO  ] TASK [Set ha_version]
[ INFO  ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO  ] TASK [Create configuration templates]
[ INFO  ] TASK [Create configuration archive]
[ INFO  ] changed: [localhost]
[ INFO  ] TASK [Create ovirt-hosted-engine-ha run directory]
[ INFO  ] changed: [localhost]
[ INFO  ] TASK [Copy configuration files to the right location on host]
[ INFO  ] TASK [Copy configuration archive to storage]
[ ERROR ]  [WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_runner_on_failed) in
callback plugin

[ ERROR ] (<ansible.plugins.callback.1_otopi_json.CallbackModule object at

[ ERROR ] 'ascii' codec can't encode character u'\u2018' in position 496:
ordinal not in

[ ERROR ] range(128)

[ ERROR ] Failed to execute stage 'Closing up': Failed executing
[ INFO  ] Stage: Clean up
[ INFO  ] Cleaning temporary resources
[ INFO  ] TASK [Gathering Facts]
[ INFO  ] ok: [localhost]
[ INFO  ] TASK [Remove local vm dir]
[ INFO  ] changed: [localhost]
[ INFO  ] Generating answer file
[ INFO  ] Stage: Pre-termination
[ INFO  ] Stage: Termination
[ ERROR ] Hosted Engine deployment failed: this system is not reliable,
please check the issue,fix and redeploy
          Log file is located at
[root@ov42 ~]#

Is there any known bug for this?

In log file I have:

2018-01-29 16:44:28,159+0100 ERROR
otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.ansible_utils ansible_utils.run:173
[WARNING]: Failure using method (v2_runner_on_failed) in callback plugin

2018-01-29 16:44:28,160+0100 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.dialog.human
human.format:69 newline sent to logger
2018-01-29 16:44:28,160+0100 ERROR
otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.ansible_utils ansible_utils.run:173
(<ansible.plugins.callback.1_otopi_json.CallbackModule object at

2018-01-29 16:44:28,160+0100 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.dialog.human
human.format:69 newline sent to logger
2018-01-29 16:44:28,160+0100 ERROR
otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.ansible_utils ansible_utils.run:173 'ascii'
codec can't encode character u'\u2018' in position 496: ordinal not in

2018-01-29 16:44:28,161+0100 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.dialog.human
human.format:69 newline sent to logger
2018-01-29 16:44:28,161+0100 ERROR
otopi.ovirt_hosted_engine_setup.ansible_utils ansible_utils.run:173
2018-01-29 16:44:28,161+0100 DEBUG otopi.plugins.otopi.dialog.human
human.format:69 newline sent to logger
2018-01-29 16:44:28,161+0100 DEBUG otopi.context context._executeMethod:143
method exception
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/otopi/context.py", line 133, in
line 193, in _closeup
    r = ah.run()
line 175, in run
    raise RuntimeError(_('Failed executing ansible-playbook'))
RuntimeError: Failed executing ansible-playbook
2018-01-29 16:44:28,162+0100 ERROR otopi.context context._executeMethod:152
Failed to execute stage 'Closing up': Failed executing ansible-playbook

I'm testing deploy of nested self hosted engine with HE on NFS.

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