On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 4:38 PM, Luca 'remix_tj' Lorenzetto <
lorenzetto.l...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Thu, Feb 8, 2018 at 4:34 PM, Gianluca Cecchi
> <gianluca.cec...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > Thanks Luca.
> > I asked because I see this inside the gui.
> > https://drive.google.com/file/d/12vI9RUq9t4J--
> jlkqSxvG2jqylGfD2sP/view?usp=sharing
> >
> > Probably you do it via api and you don't need to provide ESXi
> credentials?
> > Did you try also from web admin gui leaving empty the fields related to
> > ESXi?
> >
> If you're not used to libvirt connection to vmware, all that fields
> could scare. Anyway you need to fill out all the values, because are
> needed to locate the vm you want to migrate.

So you are confirming that using "VMware" import option all fields are
needed, ESXi hostname and credentials comprised.
In fact if I don't fill and click "Load", in the ESXi fileds I get the
popup notice that "this filed can't be empty"...

> When using that function you'll point to a specific host connected to
> the given vcenter, in the given datacenter, inside a given cluster.
> Import function will contact vcenter and ask for all vms in shutdown
> status on that host, then allows you to continue with the wizard.

Which "function" are you referring to?

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