
i have installed one oVirt platform with 2 node and 1 HE version

It seem to work fine, but i have issue with the ovirt-image-repository.

Impossible to get the list of available images for this domain :

My cluster is on a private network, so there is a proxy to get internet access.
I have tried with a specific proxy configuration on each node 
so it's a success with yum update, wget or curl with 
http://glance.ovirt.org:9292/, but nothing in the webui for the 
ovirt-image-repository domain.

I have tried another test with a transparent proxy and the result is the same :
success with yum update, wget or curl with http://glance.ovirt.org:9292/, but 
nothing in the webui for the ovirt-image-repository domain.

I don't know where is the specific log for this technical part.

Can i have help for this issue.


Nicolas VAYE
DSI - Nouméa
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