I'm looking through quite a few bug reports and mailing list threads, but want 
to make sure I'm not missing some recent development.  It appears that doing 
iSCSI with two separate, non-routed subnets is still not possible with 4.4.x. I 
have the dead-standard iSCSI setup with two separate switches, separate 
interfaces on hosts and storage, and separate subnets that have no gateway and 
are completely unreachable except from directly attached interfaces.

The hosted-engine comes up with multiple paths and everything is perfect, but 
that's because Ansible/hosted-engine deploy script have configured things 
correctly.  Once you need to import or add new storage domains, it's not 
possible to do so in a way that gets both paths connected *and* persists across 
host reboots. Following the docs to create 'iSCSI Multipath" bonds (plural, you 
can _not_ create a single bond that includes both interfaces and hope things 
route correctly... oVirt will try to connect from the interface for storage 
network A to the target on storage network B, which can't happen since they are 
not routed (and should not be). So, there's nothing in the docs about how you 
can accomplish multipathing, but there are a few mailing list messages that say 
"just create two separate "iSCSI Multipath" bonds in the datacenter, one for 
each of your two interfaces. You can do this, and you'll get hopeful that 
things might work now. You can do discovery and it succeeds, because no
  more trying to connect to unreachable targets. However, and big caveat, 
there's no way to tell this new/imported domain, "Oh, use this other interface 
as well, so you have redundant paths". Once the domain is attached and 
activated, you have a single path. You can then manage the domain, do a 
discovery, see a path that isn't connected yet, and log into it as well. Now 
you have two paths, is everything right with the world?!?  Nope, it's 
impossible to persist that connection, it will be gone on next reboot and 
you'll always have to manually visit each host, do discovery, and login. 
Nothing in the UI allows you to "Save" that second connection in a way that it 
will be used again. Clicking "OK" does not, and going back to the "iSCSI 
Multipath" area of the Data Center you can't edit each of the bonds and make 
sure each logical network has every possible target checked, because these 
targets you've manually logged into are never listed in that area of the UI.

So I really, really hope I'm wrong because I'd like to move past this snag and 
onto the next one (which is that bond interfaces in 4.4.x will not allow you to 
attach additional networks... works great in 4.3, appears broken in 4.4.x). 
But, no sense chasing that yet if iSCSI multipath isn't possible, which is 
looking likely.

Has anyone had success, running iSCSI in by far the most common setup out 
there, but also in a way oVirt really doesn't want to let you? This is driving 
me nuts, I've paved and rebuilt these hosts dozens of times now, trying 
different methods in the hopes of getting multipath that persists.
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