Actually the inability to mix CPU vendors is increasingly becoming an issue, 
and probably not just for me.

Of course this isn't an oVirt topic, not even a KVM-only topic, but reaches 
deep into the OS and even applications.

I guess Intel rather likes adding extensions and proprietary registers/flags as 
long as it plays in their favor, but with enough clouds and DCs going to EPYC 
that might flip on them one day.

And in terms of actual instruction support, there should be a rather larger 
intersection of true shared ISA between the two than the last true common 
ancestor (80486?) implies, which could be defined as abstract machine types by 
hypervisor vendors.

The other day I managed to trick a Ryzen 9 via a VMware configuration into 
appearing an Intel CPU well enough to run a Hackintosh that doesn't like AMD 
(CPUs), so it's a definite possibility.
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