Am 21.09.2016 um 19:15 schrieb Gary Grosso:
Hi Tilman,

Yes, that is correct. And the video has to be embedded, since some end-users 
may not have an Internet connection. The video files they are starting with are 

I figure I have to reserve the correct amount of vertical space in the original 
PDF to get appropriate page breaks. Either the author will specify the height, 
or I'll have to have other code to call something like ffmpeg or ImageMagick to 
get the height of the video. But that's a separate issue.

Then I figure I need to insert some "marker" in the PDF file that gives the 
location of the MP4 on the system which publishes the PDF.

So the piece I am asking about would be a Java program which would look through 
the PDF for these markers, find the MP4 for each marker, and embed the video in 
the PDF at that location.

Any thoughts on this matter are much appreciated. (I have to give an estimate 
of effort -- for me giving estimates is the bane of computer programming.)

I can't answer that one... I just looked at the PDF specification and it looks very painful. The best would be that you create such a PDF file with Adobe Professional, then analyse it with PDFDebugger to see what structures are needed.


Best regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Tilman Hausherr []
Sent: Wednesday, September 21, 2016 1:03 PM
Subject: Re: Embedding video in PDF

Am 21.09.2016 um 16:23 schrieb Gary Grosso:
- Has anyone had any personal experience with this sort of thing? (We
would be post-processing their PDF, which is created elsewhere, to
insert the video at a point where we would leave some sort of
local-filename marker and sufficient white space.)
I think what you want to do is to embed the video so that there is a screen 
area in the PDF, like embedding a youtube video - right?


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