Hello again all,

I'm trying to fill out someone else's PDF programmatically, and while the text 
values work fine as before, the controls with Opts never display their values 
after I've set them.  In the saved PDF, there is no text at the ComboBox's 
location, but using PDFDebugger the annotation and Opts are still there.  Just 
not visible...?  "V" is the correct value as set.

The control looks fine when I look at the original, and I can select what I 
want from the box manually through an Adobe GUI.

Comparing the original vs PDFBox saved files, each of the 4 CombBox controls 
have exactly these differences:

  1.  V, because I set it
  2.  "P": first # in [] goes from 61 to 312, plus lower details differ
  3.  There is a new "I: (1)" entry for the annotation

Text controls:

  1.  Have a "V" (didn't in the original - no defaults)
  2.  Have the same change to "P"
  3.  Have the same "AP" as before, or a new "AP" if one didn't exist.

All of the ComboBoxes have the same font("DA: /Helv 12 Tf  g"), but the couple 
text controls with the same font display fine.

A) Originally I'd just control.setValue("foobar") for the Opt controls just 
like the text controls, but that gave no results.

B) The only code example Google returns is a stackoverflow where they have a 
font problem, but I tried control.setValue(opts.get(index)) - with no further 

C) I've also looked at the opts themselves and they do exist - though as 
COSString objects. But they have exactly the same text, and I'm able to search 
through them for equal strings in order to determine the index.

How ARE PDComboBox controls supposed to work?  Or am I using the wrong control 


P.S. I am now seeing a DEBUG log: "ScratchFileBuffer:516 - ScratchFileBuffer 
not closed!" which I don't remember from before...

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