2018-05-18 14:41:20 UTC - Igor Zubchenok: *MEMORY LEAKS?*
We have released our server with pulsar v1.22 client and we got new memory 
Do you have any reports on memory leaks in 1.22?

At production our java app used 30GB of server memory, but memory dump of our 
java app was only 4GB.

FYI: I once noticed a WARN/ERROR in console (from some kind of LeakDetector) 
that some Netty buffer is not correctly refcounted. Unfortunately I did not 
copied the message.
2018-05-18 14:56:21 UTC - Igor Zubchenok: We've added Pulsar logo at the bottom 
of page: <https://taxistartup.com/> :laughing:
+1 : Matteo Merli, Sijie Guo, Nicolas Ha, Ali Ahmed
2018-05-18 15:12:16 UTC - Artem Shaban: @Artem Shaban has joined the channel
2018-05-18 15:19:14 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: @Karthik Palanivelu uploaded a 
<https://apache-pulsar.slack.com/files/U7VRE0Q1G/FASC2AABC/-.txt|Untitled> and 
commented: Hi All, I am running a zk container using 2181, a bookie container 
with host HostName:3181. When I start a broker, I am getting the above 
exception. If I query the container for bookies, there is one bookie available 
by using cmd `./bookkeeper shell listbookies -rw`. Can you please help?
11:12:57.577 [main-EventThread] INFO  
org.apache.bookkeeper.zookeeper.ZooKeeperWatcherBase - ZooKeeper client is 
connected now.
ReadWrite Bookies :
11:12:57.642 [main] INFO  org.apache.zookeeper.ZooKeeper - Session: 
0x16373b4222a0009 closed
11:12:57.648 [main-EventThread] INFO  org.apache.zookeeper.ClientCnxn - 
EventThread shut down for session: 0x16373b4222a0009
2018-05-18 15:25:23 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: Below are my bookies config in 
# Enable rack-aware bookie selection policy. BK will chose bookies from 
different racks when
# forming a new bookie ensemble

# Enable bookie isolation by specifying a list of bookie groups to choose from. 
Any bookie
# outside the specified groups will not be used by the broker

### --- Managed Ledger --- ###

# Number of bookies to use when creating a ledger

# Number of copies to store for each message

# Number of guaranteed copies (acks to wait before write is complete)
2018-05-18 15:53:40 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: Any help Team, I am stuck here..
2018-05-18 15:56:08 UTC - Sijie Guo: @Karthikeyan Palanivelu this looks like 
failed to bind to an IP address. What command are you running with the docker?
2018-05-18 15:59:02 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: I have 3 docker for ZK, Bookie 
and Broker. This is a custom image I am creating based on my company policy. 
Bookie and Broker advertisedAddress is same as my HostName. I turned on the 
Property on bookie `useHostNameAsBookieID=true` and advertisedAddress as 
hostname passing through command line. Do I need to make any property update to 
2018-05-18 16:01:22 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: I have issue only with broker, 
any property to concentrate on?
2018-05-18 16:03:40 UTC - Sijie Guo: Are you using advertisedAddress for both 
bookie and broker? Or only broker and bookie is using useHostNameAsBookieID
2018-05-18 16:10:07 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: I used for Both First and I 
removed it from Broker
2018-05-18 16:11:47 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: Reason for Bookie is to have 
multiple bookies on same host with different port as we discussed yesterday
2018-05-18 16:16:24 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: Now I reomoved advertisedAddress 
from both and still getting same issue...
2018-05-18 16:17:51 UTC - Matteo Merli: @Karthikeyan Palanivelu one question, 
it appears the broker is failing to start because of a port conflict. Are you 
running the broker in a different container or just in the host machine?
2018-05-18 16:18:03 UTC - Matteo Merli: Is ZK also running on the host machine?
2018-05-18 16:18:25 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: Yes, I am starting ZK, Bookie and 
Broker on my Mac
2018-05-18 16:18:56 UTC - Matteo Merli: Problem could be related to port 8080. 
That’s what is being used also for ZK metrics
2018-05-18 16:19:16 UTC - Matteo Merli: we have added Prometheus exporter in 
the ZK server
2018-05-18 16:19:27 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: hmm..Where would I change it
2018-05-18 16:19:32 UTC - Matteo Merli: broker also tries to use that port.
2018-05-18 16:19:33 UTC - Matteo Merli: one sec
2018-05-18 16:20:03 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: but I am not exposing that in ZK 
Docker Run
2018-05-18 16:20:29 UTC - Matteo Merli: ok, so ZK is running inside docker? and 
broker outside?
2018-05-18 16:21:18 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: All are running as separate 
containers in my Mac
2018-05-18 16:21:22 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: Same Host
2018-05-18 16:21:26 UTC - Vasily Yanov: @Karthikeyan Palanivelu I had the same.
2018-05-18 16:21:48 UTC - Vasily Yanov: it was fixed with
in bookkeeper.conf
2018-05-18 16:22:06 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: Let me Try it
2018-05-18 16:22:16 UTC - Matteo Merli: ok, then I don’t understand why broker 
should get port binding error, inside the container
2018-05-18 16:22:58 UTC - Vasily Yanov: but I'm not sure about docker 
deployment. We are using pulsar on bare-metal without docker
2018-05-18 16:24:26 UTC - Vasily Yanov: as a result in ZK (with bookkeeper 
shell listbookies -rw) you have to see your non localhost addresses
2018-05-18 16:24:58 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: It did not solve it for me..
2018-05-18 16:25:02 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: Same error
2018-05-18 16:25:40 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: Let me post my docker cmds
2018-05-18 16:31:57 UTC - Matteo Merli: sure, in any case, for reference, the 
HTTP port for ZK metrics can be changed by adding `-Dstats_server_port=1234` to 
the JVM options
2018-05-18 16:36:02 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: @Karthik Palanivelu uploaded a 
file: <https://apache-pulsar.slack.com/files/U7VRE0Q1G/FATF6EG79/-.sh|Untitled> 
and commented: My docker run for ZK, Bookie and Broker differentiated via 
NodeType. I included Cluster Metadata as well...
2018-05-18 16:36:17 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: I am running from my Mac
2018-05-18 16:42:07 UTC - Matteo Merli: I don’t see anything obvious. Indeed if 
the port is not exposed in the ZK container, it shouldn’t affect the broker
2018-05-18 16:42:58 UTC - Matteo Merli: do you have a custom script to start 
the broker inside the container?
2018-05-18 16:43:25 UTC - Matteo Merli: is it possible there something else 
running on 8080 inside container?
2018-05-18 16:52:24 UTC - Martin Kunev: @Martin Kunev has joined the channel
2018-05-18 17:14:07 UTC - Sijie Guo: @Matteo Merli I am not sure “Cannot assign 
requested address” is port conflict. It seems more be can’t listen on or bound 
to the ip address / hostname
2018-05-18 17:14:53 UTC - Matteo Merli: unfortunately from netty exception we 
don’t have more details :confused:
2018-05-18 17:15:09 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: I checked nothing is running on 
port 8080 and moreover I changed the Ports as well to check it. It fails all 
the time on same issue
2018-05-18 17:16:36 UTC - Sijie Guo: @Karthikeyan Palanivelu: is the goal to 
run the cluster in your laptop, do you need to let it being access outside?
2018-05-18 17:16:42 UTC - Matteo Merli: last think I can think of: there’s a 
`bindAddress` parameter for broker. Default is ``
2018-05-18 17:18:19 UTC - Ali Ahmed: @Karthikeyan Palanivelu my understanding 
is you can’t get this to work in mac with out a segregated docker compose 
2018-05-18 17:18:49 UTC - Ali Ahmed: docker containers are not aware of osx 
host , they are running inside a linux vm on osx
2018-05-18 17:19:25 UTC - Ali Ahmed: you need to bind the containers to a 
docker network and link them
2018-05-18 17:20:50 UTC - Sijie Guo: @Ali Ahmed I think network is a separated 
issue though. the problem here is its broker container can’t bind to an address
2018-05-18 17:24:36 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: @Sijie Guo Not exposing to 
outside world but would like to test the image I am creating and test whether 
it works
2018-05-18 17:24:45 UTC - Sijie Guo: @Karthikeyan Palanivelu I am trying 
similar commands in my laptop now
2018-05-18 17:25:20 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: I just Packaged the 2.0-rc1 
within the docker on RHEL base Image along with jdk1.8.
2018-05-18 17:31:28 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: All, Just found the issue. I was 
assigning the bindaddress with HostName. I will test further and will keep 
posted. Thanks So Much -  @Sijie Guo @Matteo Merli @Ali Ahmed
2018-05-18 17:31:52 UTC - Matteo Merli: :+1:
2018-05-18 17:31:53 UTC - Sijie Guo: great
2018-05-18 17:32:48 UTC - Ali Ahmed: I think from pulsar’s side we could 
improve logging
2018-05-18 17:36:51 UTC - Sijie Guo: I don’t think pulsar has enough knowledge 
to logging. the knowledge is mostly aware only by netty. so we might consider 
improving netty logging :slightly_smiling_face:
2018-05-18 17:38:05 UTC - Matteo Merli: we should be able to attach the address 
context when calling async bind on netty, though we would have to do that for 
each call
2018-05-18 18:25:26 UTC - Matteo Merli: @Karthikeyan Palanivelu @Sijie Guo 
Added a bit of context there: 
+1 : Karthik Palanivelu
2018-05-18 18:26:50 UTC - Ali Ahmed: I think it’s a problem of netty logging 
Host and port should be printed by netty
15:36:51 [WARNING] Could not bind to host 
/$NativeIoException: bind() 
failed: Cannot assign requested address at 
io.netty.channel.unix.Errors.newIOException(Errors.java:117) at 
io.netty.channel.unix.Socket.bind(Socket.java:234) at 
at io.netty.channel.AbstractChannel.bind(AbstractChannel.java:250) at 
io.netty.bootstrap.AbstractBootstrap$2.run(AbstractBootstrap.java:363) at 
 at io.netty.channel.epoll.EpollEventLoop.run(EpollEventLoop.java:312) at 
 at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:745)

2018-05-18 18:27:51 UTC - Matteo Merli: they should but they are not. Since the 
workaround is easy, we should do it
2018-05-18 18:27:56 UTC - Ali Ahmed: ok
2018-05-18 18:32:24 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: Good News, I am able to test now 
the Multi-Tenant using Docker Containers.
+1 : Ali Ahmed, Sanjeev Kulkarni
2018-05-18 18:32:28 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: Thanks All
2018-05-18 18:41:58 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: @Sijie Guo @Matteo Merli 
Referring to yesterday's discussion on running multiple bookies on same host, I 
passed the hostname of host as advertisedAddress with different port numbers of 
3181 and 3182 to docker run cmd. But even after that I am getting the 
InvalidCookieException on that hostname. Can you please help?
2018-05-18 18:46:11 UTC - Matteo Merli: Did you configured the 2 bookie 
instances to use different paths on the disk?
2018-05-18 18:48:04 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: Good Point, Let me check that
2018-05-18 18:50:41 UTC - Karthik Palanivelu: Got it Working..
+1 : Sanjeev Kulkarni
2018-05-18 19:18:13 UTC - Martin Kunev: Hi people, I'm new here and I'm using 
pulsar for a project I'm working on. I have a couple of questions regarding 
pulsar topics.
* I wanted to use non-persistent topics with C++, but I see that the 
pulsar-cpp-client doesn't allow them (TopicName::validate). Is there any 
particular reason for this? How easy would it be to change this?
* When trying to delete a topic in the global namespace, I get 403 "Delete 
forbidden on global namespace". However in the latest commit there seems to be 
a force flag to override this. The name "force" implies that it's dangerous to 
do so. What issues can arise when deleting a topic in the global namespace with 
2018-05-18 19:22:23 UTC - Matteo Merli: &gt; * I wanted to use non-persistent 
topics with C++, but I see that the pulsar-cpp-client doesn’t allow them 
(TopicName::validate). Is there any particular reason for this? How easy would 
it be to change this?

Yes, that was an oversight, C++ lib was not updated after non-persistent topics 
were introduced. Only the validation needs to be fixed, there is no other 
change required in client library.
2018-05-18 19:25:34 UTC - Matteo Merli: &gt;  When trying to delete a topic in 
the global namespace, I get 403 “Delete forbidden on global namespace”. However 
in the latest commit there seems to be a force flag to override this. The name 
“force” implies that it’s dangerous to do so. What issues can arise when 
deleting a topic in the global namespace with force?

The delete on a replicated topic is “tricky” because it involved deleting the 
topic in multiple data centers and if there are ongoing network partitions it 
might get funky. 

There are 2 ways to get rid of a replicated topic: 
 * Remove the replication clusters and reduce it to a single cluster. At that 
point the delete will succeed
  * Just stop using the topic and “unsubscribe” all subscription. There is a 
mechanism that will make sure the topic is eventually deleted
2018-05-18 19:29:14 UTC - Martin Kunev: Thank you very much!
2018-05-18 19:46:40 UTC - Ali Ahmed: @Igor Zubchenok is your memory issue 
resolved ?
2018-05-18 19:59:13 UTC - Martin Kunev: One more thing - if I want to delete a 
global namespace, I have to first either force-delete all topics in it or wait 
for them to be deleted?
2018-05-18 20:00:22 UTC - Matteo Merli: Yes, it doesn’t do the overall cleanup 
yet (it would just complain that namespace is not empty)
2018-05-18 20:08:44 UTC - Adam Williams: Hello - I'd appreciate an assist with 
enabling TLS on the standalone Pulsar (1.22). I've followed the steps in the 
docs to create the required certs and modified the `standalone.conf` to enable 
TLS. When running, I get the following error:
2018-05-18 14:04:03,133 - ERROR - [main:PulsarService@350] - Private key must 
be accompanied by certificate chain
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Private key must be accompanied by 
certificate chain
        at java.security.KeyStore.setKeyEntry(KeyStore.java:1136)
        at org.apache.pulsar.broker.PulsarService.start(PulsarService.java:276)
2018-05-18 21:57:16 UTC - Ali Ahmed: @Adam Williams can you summarize the steps 
you have done
2018-05-18 21:58:36 UTC - Adam Williams: Hi @Ali Ahmed - Thanks, but I was able 
to get it working in the end. It required generating the root CA in a different 
way than the documentation (I'm on OSX). I can followup once I'm sure 
everything works.
2018-05-18 21:59:02 UTC - Matteo Merli: :+1:
2018-05-18 22:26:30 UTC - m.ali.r: @m.ali.r has joined the channel
2018-05-19 07:56:53 UTC - Poule: is it possible to publish a message that will 
be treated in the future?
2018-05-19 07:57:12 UTC - Poule: for retry stuff
2018-05-19 07:58:56 UTC - Ali Ahmed: Hi @Poule can you clarify what you mean ?
2018-05-19 07:59:28 UTC - Ali Ahmed: pulsar persists message you can consume 
previous messages
2018-05-19 08:05:56 UTC - Poule: something like publish(event, delay=30) that 
returns immediately but  the event is delivered into pulsar  only 30 seconds 
2018-05-19 08:06:54 UTC - Ali Ahmed: you can publish events async into pulsar , 
we have a future’s based api
2018-05-19 08:07:13 UTC - Poule: pulsar would queue the event during 30 sec. 
before actually processing it
2018-05-19 08:08:09 UTC - Ali Ahmed: it should be doable, essentially you would 
adding a delay to the completable future
2018-05-19 08:08:23 UTC - Ali Ahmed: but this would be client side
2018-05-19 08:11:41 UTC - Ali Ahmed: may I ask what exactly is the use case for 
the delay ?
2018-05-19 08:12:54 UTC - Poule: i call a Rest API when I read an event. if the 
REst API fails, I'd like to reschedule the event to be reprocessed in 30 seconds
2018-05-19 08:15:13 UTC - Ali Ahmed: I would model it differently, depending on 
the exact use I think a dedicated retry topic might be a better choice, this 
should be handled on the consumer side
2018-05-19 08:15:29 UTC - Poule: ok
2018-05-19 08:16:23 UTC - Ali Ahmed: in my mind consumer reads events as fast 
as possible tries api call , if fails commits to retry topic
2018-05-19 08:17:02 UTC - Ali Ahmed: retry consumer is separate gets event 
waits a while and then tries again
2018-05-19 08:19:29 UTC - Poule: ok i will take that idea in consideration

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