The c++ broker currently checks for delete permission when autodeleting a queue. Where the queue is also exclusive, this is when the 'owning' session ends. Where it is not exclusive, this is when the last consumer cancels.

I think checking permission for the delete is wrong in both these cases, perhaps especially so for the second case. A consumer should not need permission to delete the queue in order to cancel their subscription. The appropriate means to authorise autodelete is at the point the queue is created.

Now, it is true that you can restrict the delete permission to be granted only if the autodelete property is set on the queue, but that doesn't enforce that the queue is actually autodeleted. A consumer with the appropriate permission could delete the queue while it was still in use by other consumers. (You can't it seems allow delete only if unused or empty).

I would like to remove the authorisation for delete from actions that trigger autodelete. Does anyone object or think that is a bad idea?

Though only tangentially related, and a lot less severe in its implications, I think it is also not strictly correct to put the consumers username and host details in the queue-delete event that is sent for autodeleted queues. Ideally autodeletion would be signalled by a flag in the event or even a different type of event, but I think in any case it would be better to indicate that it was the _broker_ that deleted the queue, not the client who happened to be the last to use it.

Again, would anyone object to a change along those lines or see any problem with it?

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