Hi Yukon and Vongosling,

I'm so much impressed on RocketMQ. I would like to chose a project for
GSOC2018 from RocketMQ and I discuss about it in the jira too. But I would
like to contribute for the RocketMQ community appart from that GSOC2018
project also since I'm an opensource software enthusiast. I have decided to
help the community in migrating the issues. How can I help on migrate existing
JIRA issues to Github Issue? Should I get the content from Jira issue page
and update the GitHub issue page with the help of the provided issue

Please guide me on this.


On Wed, Mar 7, 2018 at 11:30 PM, 智齿 <jarvisb...@foxmail.com> wrote:

> Hi guys,
> By reading the article "vongosling"<vongosl...@apache.org>; published on
> the "Apache Blogging in Action".
> My friend and I feel excited , then add a CN word for his nice Article:
> https://blogs.apache.org/foundation/entry/success-at-
> apache-open-innovation
> His core idea: "Address how to be a more collaborative [Apache] around
> the world, especially in non-native English countries".
>                       Answer another non-popular question:"how to build a
> more diverse community".
> *摘录部分原文翻译:*1.
> *Open Communication -  支持公开发言、开放沟通,也允许私下讨论    小小浅显理解起来就是要:
> 敞开胸怀,畅快饮(EN)Joy the coding, devloping, searching, deploying time...    *My
> reason for description*:Time is import for a project, *spent your time
> with happy face is more interesting, I thought
> *    I. Issue1 "**Not search engine friendly and *in most cases it does
> not support multi-channel for multi-language*"*
> *.                            "*The younger generation prefers to use
> messaging apps coming up in Android and IOS world ,
>                    "which has spread to the daily coding life for the
> majority of people
> *".        -> "年轻一代更偏好那些轻量、简洁、UI诱人、通行线上线下的Android/IOS交流应用”。
> "但有其弊端,搜索引擎不友好,大多数场景下不支持多渠道或是跨语言交互"。      Solution1       "*Hence in
> Apache RocketMQ community*, we encourage users to ask the question using
> the user email list <http://rocketmq.apache.org/about/contact/>. *
>       "In order to make the communication process effective,
>       "We answer the question in the same language of the question.
>       "With more and more committers coming from different countries,
>       "This solution will help to grow the more diverse community.
> *"
> ->"在RMQ社区,我们推荐使用email进行'用户自助问答QA';为了增强沟通效率,我们会尽可能用'统一语言'交互信息"
> "这样即使有许多不同国家的**committer提交数据输入,**该方案更有利于构建一个开放的、多元化的自治社区"*
> *.**           "古语有云:J子[合]而不同,we can communicate on differ os with the
> unicorn language."*
> *      Solution2     *
> *      "John Ament said in another 'Success at Apache' post
> https://s.apache.org/x9Be <https://s.apache.org/x9Be> *
> *      "--Open communication isn't for everything. We also allow private
> communication - *
> *      "Between the users and us as some questions might not be proper to
> discuss publicly. *
> *      "But that isn't a part of the decision making process. *
>       *->"开放沟通并不是一切,我们也支持用户私下讨论交流,毕竟有些问题不适合公开说明。这样的话,这便脱离制定决策的一部分了”。*
> *      Conslusion1-小结      "Likewise, anytime we're talking about
> individuals in either a positive or negative way should be conducted on the
> private list for a project".        ->"同样的,不管是积极沟通,或是被动交流,*
> *独立个人在进行语言组织和表达时,遵守一定的数据交互规范; 一切先以项目优先"。**2. Easy ways to be involved in
> the community - 提供更多方式深入参与社区活动*
> *    I*
> *I. Issue2 "... Such Projects have corresponding Chinese documentations.
>                      "On the other hand, we try our best to improve the
> English documents. *
> *         ->"**...可能不是很多人有深入了解,中国🇨🇳其实有很多本地的Apache项目开发团队、比如*
> *Apache HTTP Server, Apache Tomcat, Apache Spark, and Apache
> Hadoop等,并有配套相对完备的文档体系";             "可能相应的英文文献相对较少,我们也在竭尽全力提升英文文档的表述质量"。
>        **      SolutioN List *
> *编号*
> *解决方案*
> *描述*
> 待补充
> 待补充
> 1
> "If one finds a minor or big native narrative polish, one could leave a
> message, or send feedback to our dev or user email list.
> “要是有人发现了一个或一些比较好的可集成到RMQ的优质特性,欢迎留一个Message,或是通过dev、user邮件列表进行反馈
> 2
> "Besides documentation, we also hold programming marathons in the
> community irregularly to get more involved with the community. "
> “除了完善文档,我们也会不定期举行编程马拉松比赛,以更多更深入参与Apache社区活动
> 3
> ”We could find more users who have more interest, especially cross-domain
> technology in such campaigns.
> “并以此为契机,我们希望能够发觉更多对Apache项目或是RMQ项目有浓厚兴趣的User,尤其是那些有跨领域技术才能的USER们”
> 4
> "Recently, we open sourced more tasks in the Google Summer of Code.
> Students will develop Open Source software full-time for three months.
> “最近,我们会开源更多的Google源码夏令营任务。学生们可以尽情享受为期三个月的全站式开源项目研发体验”
> n
> “We will provide mentoring and project ideas, and in return have the
> chance to get new code developed and --most importantly-- to identify and
> bring in new committers.
> “我们届时会配备优质的导师和项目方案回馈参与开源的学员和Apache社区,因而我们有机会为社区源源不断引入新的源码 — 更重要的是 —
> 培养并确立新的  committers”
> *Conslusion2-总结”It is another chance to let PMC members know how to
> improve and let more students get involved in the community
> easily."这或许是又一次机会让PMC知道如何提升社区建设、让更多学生更深入、更便捷de参与社区活动及社区交流"。*
> ...
> 期待回复
> ------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
> *发件人:* "yukon"<yu...@apache.org>;
> *发送时间:* 2018年3月5日(星期一) 下午3:51
> *收件人:* "dev"<d...@rocketmq.apache.org>;"users"<users@rocketmq.apache.org>;
> *主题:* [ANNOUNCE] Github Issue has been enabled for Apache RocketMQ
> Hi all,
> We have enabled Github Issue for RocketMQ, and the JIRA system will be
> disabled soon, please use Github Issue for the new bug report and feature
> request.
> Please kindly note that the issue tracker is **ONLY** used for bug report
> and feature request. Any question or RocketMQ proposal please use our
> mailing lists[1]. More details please refer to our issue template[2].
> Welcome to help us migrate existing JIRA issues to Github Issue, we really
> appreciate that.
> [1]. http://rocketmq.apache.org/about/contact/
> [2]. https://github.com/apache/rocketmq/blob/master/.
> github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE.md
> Regards,
> yukon

Undergraduate student | Department of Computer Science,
Faculty of Science | University of Jaffna.

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ratnasingam-kasthuriraajan-2a6892121/
GitHub: https://github.com/kasthuriraajan
Medium: https://medium.com/@Kasthuriraajan

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