IT was my hope that more of the experienced committers on Royale would help get 
the emulation components to run and train the newcomers.  Unfortunately, that 
has not happened so far, and I don't have enough time to do all of it myself in 
short order.  I keep hoping our committers will step up and help.  AIUI, some 
of our committers are available for contract work, so if you pay them to help 
make the emulation components run, that may be an option.

In the Adobe Flex days, Adobe poured big money into developing a free SDK.  
There is no company pouring big money into Royale.  Those who need may need to 
"pay" by putting their own time into the development or hiring folks to do put 
in the time. 

My 2 cents,

On 11/17/18, 8:04 AM, "hferreira" <> wrote:

    And the most important more of your code won't need as much changes.
    > Yes. In a framework change perspective is the cheapest approach but for
    > now is not there iet (let's see in a near future), meanwhile I will check
    > Royale without emulation.
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