Hi Taro,

as always, thanks for your thoughts .Good you bring this to the table :).
I must say I think about this as I design Jewel TabBar to found the best
way (more usable, less code , more Royale,...) to implement it.

What I found is that current implementation is more "decoupled" pieces of
code, since we have the TabBar (that is 98% a List), then the content (the
TabBarContent), and finally a bead to relate both adding the change
function call back and some more wiring lines of code. In this way we are
using a property in the TabBar data provider objects as the data to use for
select the content by name.

As you already notice, making TabBar work more like old MX ViewStack or
Accordion, will need the data be mixed with the view so SectionContent will
be the objects in the "dataprovider" and as well the ones used as the
elements to add to the tree of displayed visual components. I must say that
this idea doesn't look good to me and another problem is that we need to
add in each SectionContent  "just-in-case" code like "icon", "label"
(that's is against PAYG Royale rules). But maybe other things as well.

In emulation MXRoyale, we'll need to have that component just for ease the
migration from flex. But I think doing so in a new UI modern UI set would
not be good.

I think in this case we need to provide the building blocks and you should
be able to create this component yourself easily. Even you could share that
version and we can eventually add it to Royale. Or expose it in a blog
article to show how easy is to get that so others that want this specific
component the way to get it.

Hope this make sense.


El dom., 21 abr. 2019 a las 4:15, Taro.Yu (<yest...@gmail.com>) escribió:

> I’m looking forward to TabBar. Grad to see it more and more better.
> The new bead AssignTabContent is convenience. ^^
> I think when using AssignTabContent, does it can be TabBar's dataProvider
> directly ?
> That will be more convenience, like the old days, mx:ViewStack can be
> mx:TabBar's dataProvider...
> I saw the source code of AssignTabContent, could be just add some code in
> updateHost() method.
> But if use AssignTabContent as TabBar's dataProvider directly. The
> SectionContent only has one property - "name",  but TabBarIconItemRenderer
> need more properties - "label" and "icon".
> I don't know the idea of AssignTabContent as TabBar's dataProvider
> directly,
> is good or bad... maybe in Roayle has another better way.
> Thank you again for these wonderful jewel components :)
> --
> Sent from: http://apache-royale-users.20374.n8.nabble.com/

Carlos Rovira

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