Hi everyone,

I am considering migrating a somewhat large and complex app from Flex/Flash/mx/as using Royale. I want  to get my mind around the amount of time it might take. So I am hoping to hear from some of you about what your actual experience was.
Apologies if this seems scattershot.

- how big is your app? lines of code, modules, libraries, that sort of thing
- how long did it take?
- were you using Flash (as opposed to Flex)? How did that go?
- Did you use MXRoyale? Did you find anything important missing?
- what tripped you up?
- what else should I have asked?

Things about our app:

- we use flase.external.ExternalInterface a lot.
- lots of drawing using flash.display.*, flash.geom.*, etc
- flash.events.* are used extensively
- server interaction uses flash.net.*

I appreciate any wisdom you can offer.
Fred Ross-Perry
San Rafael, CA

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