Can you build other examples?

How did you get this SDK?  Is it a nightly bulid?  Via NPM?  Build it yourself?

Depending on how to are setup, did you install the Flash and AIR SDKs or 
reference them via environment variables per the instructions in the README?


From: Serkan Taş <>
Reply-To: "" <>
Date: Saturday, September 21, 2019 at 11:40 PM
To: "" <>
Subject: Re: Where to check first ?

Hi Alex,

I ca not build tourdeflex with command :

ant compile

in folder 

Error :

 col: 0 Error: unable to open 
 (line: 74)
    [mxmlc]       </external-library-path>
 col: 0 Error: unable to open 

The folder "D:\apache-royale-0.9.6-bin-js-swf\royale-asjs\frameworks\11.7'" and 
the file "playerglobal.swc" do exist.

16.09.2019 19:30 tarihinde Alex Harui yazdı:
I couldn’t quickly see any differences in what you posted.  I’m not sure what 
you mean by “replaced”.  If you can create a simple test case we can take a 

Examples/mxroyale/tourdeflexmodules has screens similar to yours and were 
working last time I checked.


From: Serkan Taş 
Reply-To: ""<> 
Date: Monday, September 16, 2019 at 6:44 AM
To: ""<> 
Subject: Re: Where to check first ?

Hi Alex,

No exceptions or errors in the console.

There are differences in mxml.  But the strange thing is the footer and header 
is replaced, incorrectly.

Royale :


Flex :


10.09.2019 07:02 tarihinde Alex Harui yazdı:
How different is the MXML?

Are there any exceptions in the browser console?


From: Serkan Taş 
Reply-To: ""<> 
Date: Monday, September 9, 2019 at 2:50 PM
To: ""<> 
Subject: Where to check first ?


After more than a year, now I can see the royale version of my application's 
main page.
But there are some anomalies and I need advises where to look first.

I attached the flex and royale view of the page.

Thanks in advance

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