Thanks. Now I know that it can work even though it certainly not working for 
me! Here is the same style of test showing my robots path included w/ 

curl -fs -u admin:admin 
 Sling Content Disposition Filter","description":"Request filter adding Content 
Disposition header with value 'attachment' for certain paths\/content types. 
Independent of the configuration only resource paths are covered which contain 
a property named 'jcr:data' or 
 Resource Paths & Content 
 resource paths are covered by the filter. Each entry is of the form '<path> [ 
: <excluded content type> {,<excluded content type>} ]'. Invalid entries are 
logged and ignored. <path> must be an absolute path and may contain a wildcard 
('*') at the end, to match every resource path with the given path prefix. 
 resource paths are excluded from the filter. Each resource path must be given 
as absolute and fully qualified path. Prefix matching\/wildcards are not 
 For All Resource 
 flag controls whether to enable this filter for all paths, except for the 
excluded paths defined by sling.content.disposition.excluded.paths. Setting 
this to 'true' leads to ignoring 'sling.content.disposition.path'. 

curl -vfs -u admin:admin http://localhost:4502/content/dam/path/robots.txt
*   Trying ::1...
* Connected to localhost (::1) port 4502 (#0)
* Server auth using Basic with user 'admin'
> GET /content/dam/michigan-lsa/admin/robots.txt HTTP/1.1
> Host: localhost:4502
> Authorization: Basic YWRtaW46YWRtaW4=
> User-Agent: curl/7.54.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Last-Modified: Thu, 14 Feb 2019 19:08:25 GMT
< Content-Disposition: attachment
< Content-Type: text/plain;charset=iso-8859-1
< Content-Length: 25
User-agent: *
* Connection #0 to host localhost left intact
Disallow: /%

> On Feb 19, 2019, at 11:55 AM, Joey Smith <> wrote:
> Adding it to "Excluded Resource Paths" works correctly here for me:
> On Tue, Feb 19, 2019 at 7:28 AM Cris Rockwell <> wrote:
>> Thanks for the reply, but the suggestion does not work. After repeatedly
>> testing various values and configurations, I have found neither
>> sling.content.disposition.excluded.paths or sling.content.disposition.paths
>> do anything. Perhaps they won't work when
>> sling.content.disposition.all.paths is true?
>> The link was not useful as documentation since it points to the source,
>> which define the configuration attribute names and descriptions. The names
>> and descriptions are already obvious when opening the config via
>> /system/console/configMgr
>> Has anyone else successfully set either
>> sling.content.disposition.excluded.paths or sling.content.disposition.paths
>> in version 1.1.12?
>>> On Feb 18, 2019, at 4:55 PM, Andres Bott <> wrote:
>>> Hey Chris
>>> I think defining an extension as part of the path would cause this not
>> to work,
>>> since the extension is not part of the requests path (your examples)
>>> as fas as I can remember, this should look more like:
>>> "/content/path/*:text/plain" this means apply the filter for every path
>> bellow content/path except for requests to mime/type text requests.
>>> if you need to pinpoint to the robots txt, you could try:
>> "/content/path/robots:text/plain"
>>> unfortunately the best documentation i found back when I had to deal
>> with this was:
>>> HTH
>>> Andres
>>> El 2019-02-18 22:00, Cris Rockwell escribió:
>>>> Hello Sling Users
>>>> I am working on an upgrade and have found the changes to
>>>> present
>>>> problems with rendering robots.txt (text/plain) from a location
>>>> managed under the dam. After the upgrade it has the header
>>>> Content-Disposition: attachment. As a result we have started seeing
>>>> our testing URL’s in search results, which indicates the search-bots
>>>> are not opening and reading
>>>> version 1.1.2      ContentDispositionFilter
>> had a
>>>> ranking of -2500 (txt file renders)
>>>> version 1.1.12     ContentDispositionFilter
>> had
>>>> a ranking of 25000 (txt file downloads)
>>>> My attempts to configure Apache Sling Content Disposition Filter have
>>>> failed. Adding the fully qualified path to "Excluded Resource Paths"
>>>> does not work. My question related to the section titled "Included
>>>> Resource Paths & Content Types.” There is a cryptic instruction copied
>>>> below. What does this mean? Please provide en example specifying the
>>>> path, excluded content types
>>>>> These resource paths are covered by the filter. Each entry is of the
>> form '<path> [ : <excluded content type> {,<excluded content type>} ]'.
>> Invalid entries are logged and ignored. <path> must be an absolute path and
>> may contain a wildcard ('*') at the end, to match every resource path with
>> the given path prefix. (sling.content.disposition.paths)
>>>> I have guessed at different entries, but they do not take affect.
>>>> /content/path/robots.txt[text/plain]
>>>> /content/path/robots.txt [text/plain]
>>>> /content/path/robots.txt:text/plain
>>>> If I uncheck "Enable For All Resource Paths” in the Apache Sling
>>>> Content Disposition Filter, then the header Content-Disposition:
>>>> attachment goes away and it renders as expected. But seems like an
>>>> extreme solution especially given the fact that Content Disposition
>>>> Filter was used and worked at the previous version mentioned. Please
>>>> note that although I have provided some context about the a specific
>>>> problem, my question is about how to configure "Included Resource
>>>> Paths & Content Types” using path and mime types.
>>>> Thanks!
>>>> Cris

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