Hi All,
I setup a custom integrator plugin (version 3.104) for Thunderbird.
Following the documentation
I created a custom rdf and updates.php file (attached). After installing
the plugin in Thunderbird I can see Thunderbird downloading the
connector and lightning extensions. They are also correctly saved in the
user's temp directory. Thunderbird then requests a restart and restarts
itself if I do not approve within seconds. Thunderbird then starts to
download the extensions again, requests a restart, restarts and keeps
doing this forever. The extensions actually never get installed.

If I install the connector and lightning extensions manually and then
install the connector, everything is working just fine as long as I do
not change updates.php to instruct the connector to perform an upgrade
in which case the download-restart-loop returns.

Any pointers?

Interestingly the files written to the user's temp directory are called
sogo-connector-3.104.xpi and lightning-1.0b2.104i.xpi but they are in
fact gzips of the original files provided by the update server. Those
files cannot be installed in Thunderbird directly unless I ungzip them.


Attachment: extensions.rdf
Description: application/rdf

<<< text/html; name="updates.php": Unrecognized >>>

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