On 1/25/2011 8:57 AM, Oleksa Stasevych wrote:
E.g., I assigned email addresses to uuids, however, thank you for the parameter.


2011/1/25 Brian Kirkman<bkirk...@qwest.net>:
On 1/25/2011 7:52 AM, Hans Scheffers wrote:
Hi all

Since a few days i am playing with SOGo as a replacement (in the near
future :) ) for outlook and exchange.
I have a setup using postgresql and openldap, and have more than one
domain on the server (or will have, cause it's running on the test
server now). The servers are under virtualmin.

I am trying to find if it is possible to logon to SOGo using an
emailadress instead of the uid. I can change the uid to be an email
adress, but then postfix as mailserver starts complaining.

Has anyone any experience with such a setup?

To quote Fabrice's answer to the same question yesterday, "Yes, with
SOGoForceIMAPLoginWithEmail = YES; parameter."

Oleska, good point. I just tested on my server, and I could successfully login with an email address with or without the SOGoForceIMAPLoginWithEmail parameter being set. I think it's because, as you said, I have email addresses assigned to the users in the LDAP directory. I'm not too sure how that parameter would work if email addresses weren't assigned in LDAP. I have to admit I'm a little confused on this and probably answered the question too soon.

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