Hi Corrado,
thank you very much for your proposal!

I think this could be one of the first steps for more flexibility theming the 
GUI (which is not bad, sure!).

Maybe sometimes theres a way to integrate "Themes" easier in SOGo than now, i. 
e. with a "themes"-dir for all Stuff like css, html or images, every theme in a 
single subdirectory. Just a little dreamy ... ;-))



Am 13.02.2011 um 19:12 schrieb Corrado Fiore:

> Dear All,
> following some remarks I appended to bug #758 
> (http://www.sogo.nu/bugs/view.php?id=758), I decided to try some CSS 
> modifications in order to fix some user interface annoyances and to take 
> advantage of some features of modern browsers (like text-shadow).
> I'd like to share the results of my work with both SOGo users and developers, 
> in the hope that they can be incorporated in next releases of SOGo.
> A screenshot of this modified UI is available here:
> http://www.corradofiore.it/files/sogo_alternate_theme_20110213.jpg
> while the WebServerResources replacement folder can be downloaded here:
> http://www.corradofiore.it/files/WebServerResources_1.3.5a_20110213.zip
> You will need to unpack it and upload its contents to 
> /usr/GNUstep/System/Library/SOGo/WebServerResources (assuming you're on 
> CentOS, don't know if that's the same on Debian / Ubuntu)
> *  Bigger font in the login panel
> *  Top menu is taller and easier to click (following Fitt's Law).  The 
> default height is really too low to be easily targeted by the mouse pointer.
> *  Top menu and command bar fonts use text-shadow for better contrast with 
> the background and easier readability
> *  Reworked left column:
> 1)  Lighter background for better contrast
> 2)  Accounts' names are presented with a different font and no icon to make 
> it easier for the user to spot them among other lines
> 3)  New icons without dotted lines = less clutter on the screen.  This mimics 
> the appearance of all mail clients on Mac OS X and of RoundCube webmail.
> 4)  Selected folder is more visible (darker background, text-shadow)
> 5)  Used quota indicator is cleaner
> *  Search input field has rounded corners (on Webkit / Gecko), to make it 
> easier to spot it.
> *  Drag handlers have gradient background with a slight 3D appearance, to 
> make them "stick out" and hence afford dragging.  To be fair, the 3D 
> appearance is probably not yet enough, but it's a start.
> *  The selected message row features now a much more bright blue background, 
> to make it easier to find (the benchmark for legibility was iTunes 
> application).  The background color is actually a CSS3 gradient.
> *  Both HTML and text-only messages now are rendered in 16px Helvetica / 
> Calibri / Arial font.  This is perhaps the most outstanding change from the 
> original version and I think it deserves a bit of explanation.  As far as I'm 
> concerned, email is my primary tool when I'm at work.  I must be able to read 
> it with good speed even at 7 PM, after I've been in front of my monitors for 
> ten hours, or in a train under far-from-optimal lighting.  Font-size is the 
> primary tool to achieve easy and FAST reading under those conditions, and 
> that's precisely why I bumped it up so much.  A bit of tuning will be needed 
> under Windows XP, so your comments are welcome.
> *  I changed also the default "enter mode" in CKeditor 
> (http://docs.cksource.com/ckeditor_api/symbols/CKEDITOR.config.html#.enterMode)
>  to make it use <BR>.  A one-line break is the expected result of hitting 
> Enter in any email applications, that's it.
> Any thoughts, suggestions or comments are welcome!
> -- 
> Corrado Fiore
> _______________________________
> Via Gramsci 16/M
> 20060  Cassina de' Pecchi MI - Italy
> mail...@corradofiore.it
> http://it.linkedin.com/in/corradofiore
> -- 
> users@sogo.nu
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists


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