
I have a lot of duplicated contacts in Sogo due to a bug in an old version of Sogo TB extensions. I have update them.
Now i would like to clean up the duplicate contact.

Looks like sogo-tool have an option to do it but i am unable to use it.
It is not on multi domain system.

As sogo user:
sogo@sogo:~$ /usr/sbin/sogo-tool check-doubles
The warning limit for folder records is set at 1000

sogo@sogo:~$ /usr/sbin/sogo-tool remove-doubles
Usage: remove-doubles USER FOLDER

         USER       the owner of the contact folder
         FOLDER     the id of the folder to clean up

I found the same question but with no answer or i am not abble to use the archive search of the mailinglist.


I am using Sogo-1.3.5a and Debian-5.0.8 Lenny


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