I wish i could check-doubles before removing them.
Even if i can ignored the warning, it will be nice to get some output show which entry it is checking.

The command is pretty fast if you look at the number of duplicated contacts i have in the DB.

I have create a bug report.

Ludovic Marcotte <lmarco...@inverse.ca> a écrit :

On 11-03-02 12:04 PM, xbgmsharp wrote:

I have a lot of duplicated contacts in Sogo due to a bug in an old version of Sogo TB extensions. I have update them.
Now i would like to clean up the duplicate contact.

Looks like sogo-tool have an option to do it but i am unable to use it.
It is not on multi domain system.

As sogo user:
sogo@sogo:~$ /usr/sbin/sogo-tool check-doubles
The warning limit for folder records is set at 1000

sogo@sogo:~$ /usr/sbin/sogo-tool remove-doubles
Usage: remove-doubles USER FOLDER

        USER       the owner of the contact folder
        FOLDER     the id of the folder to clean up
How about something like:

/usr/sbin/sogo-tool remove-doubles lmarcotte personal

? It'll remove dupes in my "personal" address book.

sogo=# select * from sogo_folder_info where c_path2 = 'lmarcotte' and
c_path4 = 'personal' and c_path3 = 'Contacts';
 c_folder_id |               c_path               | c_path1 |  c_path2
| c_path3  | c_path4  |     c_foldername      |
 c_location                          |
c_quick_location                          |
c_acl_location                          | c_folder_type
           3 | /Users/lmarcotte/Contacts/personal | Users   | lmarcotte
| Contacts | personal | Personal Address Book |
http://sogo:sogo@ |
http://sogo:sogo@ |
http://sogo:sogo@ |
(1 row)


I found the same question but with no answer or i am not abble to use the archive search of the mailinglist.

The *warning* can be ignored.

Ludovic Marcotte
lmarco...@inverse.ca  ::  +1.514.755.3630  ::  www.inverse.ca
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (www.sogo.nu) and PacketFence


Thanks for using xbgm# / Devmon / BBwin.
Please feedback.

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