On 6 Apr 2011, at 20:02, "Darko Hojnik" <hoj...@virtualizing.org> wrote:

> Hi there,
> Currently we are using Postfix and DBmail with an LDAP backend. SOGo uses 
> this LDAP backend too. In the future we maybe want migrate to Apache James as 
> the solution for the mailserver. And if we do it, then we want do it without 
> a LDAP Server.
> So I've got an testinstallation with Apache James 3 Milsestone3 compiled SVN 
> using a PostgreSQL 9 Database. SOGo should be installed soon on the next 
> days. We want that SOGo will authenticate against the Database from James
> The Database,
> james=> \dt
>                   Liste der Relationen
> Schema |           Name           |   Typ   | Eigentümer
> --------+--------------------------+---------+------------
> public | james_domain             | Tabelle | james
> public | james_mail               | Tabelle | james
> public | james_mail_header        | Tabelle | james
> public | james_mail_property      | Tabelle | james
> public | james_mailbox            | Tabelle | james
> public | james_mailbox_membership | Tabelle | james
> public | james_subscription       | Tabelle | james
> public | james_user               | Tabelle | james
> public | james_virtual_user_table | Tabelle | james
> public | openjpa_sequence_table   | Tabelle | james
> (10 Zeilen)
> Select of the table james_user,
> james=> SELECT column_name FROM information_schema.columns WHERE table_name = 
> 'james_user';
>       column_name
> -------------------------
> user_name
> password_hash_algorithm
> password
> version
> (4 Zeilen)
> james=>
> Now I'm asking me is that the correct Syntax for SOGoUserSources to 
> authenticate against the database from Apache James?
> SOGoUserSources =
> (
> {
> type = sql;
> id = directory;
> viewURL = "postgresql://james:james@";
> canAuthenticate = YES;
> isAddressBook = NO;
> userPasswordAlgorithm = md5;
> }
> );
> thanks for help and suggestions

You have to pass the fields from the db to sogo specifically, as detailed in 
the documentation (for example name should be c_name). You can achieve this 
with a view in your db that sogo can call.

> best regards
> Darko Hojnik
> -- 
> users@sogo.nu
> https://inverse.ca/sogo/lists

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