On 11-04-07 11:05 AM, Ron Miller wrote:
I'm looking at options to deploy SOGo in a clustered configuration with the database replicated to slaves for local access. This will require me to define the local slave node as a read-only source with the master being the only node which can accept writes. Is there a means to define separate read-only and write databases for SOGo that I'm just not catching in the docs?

No, not possible right now. We have a patch around to _create and use_ a local database together with one that is centralized for sogo_folder_info and sogo_user_profile tables.


Ludovic Marcotte
lmarco...@inverse.ca  ::  +1.514.755.3630  ::  www.inverse.ca
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (www.sogo.nu) and PacketFence 


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