
I just upgraded an existing SOGo installation to the latest (have run the
sql-update scripts successfully),
but not get an SQL error.

It seems that c_path3 has an incorrect escape ( \' ) on calendars.

Thanks in advance for your help.

> Apr 14 10:41:33 sogod [14398]: <0x0x159d530[GCSFolderManager]>
ERROR(-[GCSFolderManager folderAtPath:]): executing SQL failed: 'SELECT
c_folder_id, c_path, c_location, c_quick_location, c_acl_location,
c_folder_type FROM sogo_folder_info WHERE c_path1 = 'Users' AND c_path2 =
'blackboard' AND c_path3 = 'Calendar\' AND c_path4 = 'personal''
> Apr 14 10:41:33 sogod [14398]: [ERROR]
missing folder for fetch!
2011-04-14 10:41:33.454 sogod[14398] <0x0x1312040[PostgreSQL72Channel]:
connection=<0x0x11abb60[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x15fe4e0>>: message:
WARNING:  nonstandard use of \' in a string literal
> LINE 1: ...th1 = 'Users' AND c_path2 = 'admin' AND c_path3 = 'Calendar\...
> HINT:  Use '' to write quotes in strings, or use the escape string syntax
> Apr 14 10:41:33 sogod [14398]: <0x0x159d530[GCSFolderManager]>
ERROR(-[GCSFolderManager performSQL:]): cannot execute
  SQL 'SELECT c_folder_id, c_path, c_location, c_quick_location,
c_acl_location, c_folder_type FROM sogo_folder_info WHERE c_path1 = 'Users' AND
c_path2 = 'admin' AND c_path3 = 'Calendar\' AND c_path4 = 'personal'':
  <PostgreSQL72Exception: 0x1842970> NAME:PostgreSQL72FatalError REASON:fatal
pgsql error (channel=<0x0x1312040[PostgreSQL72Channel]:
connection=<0x0x11abb60[PGConnection]:  connection=0x0x15fe4e0>>): ERROR: 
syntax error at or near "personal"
> LINE 1: ...= 'admin' AND c_path3 = 'Calendar\' AND c_path4 = 'personal'
>                                                              ^    
> Apr 14 10:41:33 sogod [14398]: <0x0x159d530[GCSFolderManager]>
ERROR(-[GCSFolderManager folderAtPath:]): executing SQL failed: 'SELECT
c_folder_id, c_path, c_location, c_quick_location, c_acl_location,
c_folder_type FROM sogo_folder_info WHERE c_path1 = 'Users' AND c_path2 =
'admin' AND c_path3 = 'Calendar\' AND c_path4 = 'personal''
> Apr 14 10:41:33 sogod [14398]: [ERROR]
<0x0193CC50[SOGoAppointmentFolder]:admin_personal> (-[SOGoAppointmentFolder
missing folder for fetch!

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