Am 14.04.2011 12:10, schrieb Olivier Migeot:
2011/4/14 André Schild<>:

Good to hear. So I got something...

it should also upgrade to 3.105..
So perhaps you just put the wrong integrator on your webserver ?
Well, I'm pretty sure I did not. Here's what I'm doing (just re-done
it to be sure):

(In the same directory as updates.php, and I deleted all previous XPIs)

mkdir test
cd test
unzip sogo-integrator-3.105-sogo-demo.xpi
rm sogo-integrator-3.105-sogo-demo.xpi
vim chrome/content/extensions.rdf (changed the server name and added lightning)
zip -r ../sogo-integrator-3.105-sogo-perso.xpi .

and updates.php clearly points my customized XPI...
What does your webserver log tells you ?

Does thunderbird realy download the


or is perhaps a public read right missing... ?

For some reasons TB is NOT retrieving that ....perso.xpi
Can you post the full url to the update script ?


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