Am 17.08.2011 22:17, schrieb CF:

> I personnally don't use SOGo-integrator, but normal lightning with
> CALDAV. I'll mockup and test TB6 soon, but iirc, TB5 is working in this
> configuration.

But there is still no way with your configuration to input a server,
username und password and getting all the users calendars. I cant do
that, thats too much work. And I would bet that most bigger
installations can't switch to the simple CALDav approach neither. Not to
forget the missing address book integration that my users that are on
the road alot really like. My users are trained to use TB to share their
calendars, that wouldn't work anymore either.

I don't mind when it takes time for SOGo to adapt to a new version. (I
would if I would be a paying costumer with paid support, but I'm not.)
But the wait is a bit long and the way it was done before won't work
anymore; the TB updates are just too frequent. :(


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