On 24/11/11 10:24, Paul van der Vlis wrote:

Julian Robbins wrote a few days again that it can help to remove the
local cache. I am trying to find-out where I can find that.

I've removed the files in "calendar-data" but these are not created new
after starting Thunderbird, and my calendar data is still there.

Something wrong then, here. Are you certain you're looking in the right place ? ie check time/date of files if just used Sgo to create an event.

I've looked for the address book, but I see the file "abook.mab" is a
few weeks old, and I have changed my address book today (via the web
interface of Sogo, and then synchronized). I've removed it and started
Thunderbird again, all addresses are there and no new abook.mab is created.
the abook.mab will be stored in the folder above

I put a name in my address book with an unique name and grepped the
folder, but I did not found it.

Can somebody tell me where to find the cache files?

Maybe a point: I am using Icedove, thats a rebranded Thunderbird by
Debian. But so far I know it's exactly the same as Thunderbird, only the
logo and name are different...
Don't know, possibly, but sounds unlikely.

Otherwise try installing on winblows so at least you can get the hang of this
With regards,

Kind Regards,

Julian Robbins


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