
I can confirm that address book sync in broken at the moment. Caldav is ok though.
I do use multidomain setup.

I keep getting the following error in thunderbird log:

URLs don't match: 
https://mail.example.com/SOGo/dav/test.bruno/Contacts/personal/ vs. 

I tried with

pref("sogo-integrator.identification.use_email_address", true);

but the result is the same.

What I don't get is why the function sogoUserName() which us used to build the url,
seems to behave differently for calendar and AB.


On 11-11-20 05:12 PM, Stefan Klatt wrote:

- SOGo 1.3.7 used the login name for CardDAV, e.g.:

- SOGo 1.3.9 use the LDAP object name for CardDAV, e.g.

CalDAV use the LDAP object name at 1.3.7 and 1.3.9.

Is this correct?

If the login name and the LDAP object differs the Thunderbird integrator (3.105 & 3.106) doesn't work correct with SAOGo 1.3.9 because the used URL isn't correct! The integrator use the login name for the CardDAV URL........ CalDAV is correct.

Can anybody confirm this?

I think for multi domain systems only the login name is correct, because the LDAP object name must be only unique at branch level.



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