On Wed, Feb 01, 2012 at 10:27:34AM +0100, Alessio Fattorini wrote:
> Il 02/12/2010 16:49, Alessio Fattorini ha scritto:
> >Sogo-integrator authentication is based on IMAP Default Account. If
> >username is different from sogo username authentication fails without
> >any error: icons, calendar list and others stuff don't work.
> For me and my customer is a big problem.
> This is the bug.
> http://www.sogo.nu/bugs/view.php?id=1029
We solved this by generating an integrator "on the fly":
* https site that does http authentication
* Username is stored in REMOTE_USER env var
* replace the following line in sogo-config.js:
  var sogoConfig = { username: null, baseURL: null };
  var sogoConfig = { username: "REMOTE_USER", baseURL: null };
  (where REMOTE_USER is replaced with the actual username)
  You might even remove the conditional from function sogoUserName()
* stream the zip file created from the integrator and the custom

Worked fine; we just had to stop the rollout due to the
TB-Lightning-Integrator-Connector issue.

-- Adi

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