Am Tuesday 20 March 2012 22:09:30 schrieb mayak-cq:
> <snip>
> > > 
> > > well -- secret be told -- it is being worked on and i am partially
> > > funding the development 
> > > 
> > > i'll let francois give the details.
> <snip>
> > this is really great news! Thanks a lot for supporting this development!
> > Is synchronization of multiple address books going to be possible via 
> > z-push?
> <snip>
> hi heiner,
> i may be mistaken, but i don't think so. activesync doesn't support it.
> perhaps someone else can confirm. idea is currently to develop a
> carddav/caldav backend for z-push with ldap auth -- *perhaps* something
> could be done on the caldav server side to combine books.
> thanks
> m


have a look at the z-push backend developed for the kolab server [1] for an 
example of both points you mentioned:
a) they support so called "folder mode", synchronizing multiple calendars and 
address books to compatible (according to their wiki, currently only Apple) 
devices. This means that multiple calendars/address books are not merged into 
one but instead are being kept as multiple calendar/address book folders on the 
mobile. This also means that the active sync protocol supports multiple folders.
b) What I was originally thinking about when I asked the question was merging 
several calendars or address books on the server side into one on the 
mobile/client side, similar to how it is being done in sogo for funambol 
syncml-synchronizations for calendars already.
A perfect implementation in my point of view would support both modes of 
operation. This is what is currently available for the kolab server.

Best regards


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