At Wed, 11 Apr 2012 18:07:45 -0400,
Fabian Rodriguez wrote:
> Le 12-04-11 05:03 PM, Martin Rabl a écrit :
> > [...]
> >
> > P.S.: will there be a package for Ubuntu 10.04 LTS in future?
> Maybe someone can fund Jeroen's work in Debian?:
> I'd love to see proper packaging for Debian+derivatives, but it's not
> going to happen anytime soon, specially the way SOGo relies on
> unsupported, manually-installed packages both in ZEG and the regular
> releases. This prevents any type of vendor-provided (ie. Canonical,etc.)
> commercial support and ties your production systems to Inverse's support
> which I was told would change its model but hasn't in a while.

It took a lot more time than I expected, but the packaging of SOGo 1.3
suitable for upload to Debian is almost done. The current source
packages can be found on github ( and There are still a lot of
smaller things to fixup before an upload can happen and I'm currently
too busy with other things. My target is to get SOGo 1.3 in wheezy
however, so I will try to find the time to get the stuff ready for
upload somewhere this month.

With regards to funding, I will probably setup a donation page on my
site/add a flattr thingie/etc. so people can donate if they like the
work I do. But I'm currently not really planning anything else than
uploading 1.3 to debian unstable/testing and backporting it to squeeze
when it doesn't have problems in testing for a while. This should mean
that it also goes automatically in Ubuntu with the next sync with
Debian, but I don't use Ubuntu on any of my servers so I'm personally
not that interested in Ubuntu packages. But I'm self-employed, so if
people are willing to pay I'm also willing to work on things I'm not
directly interested in. :)

With regards to 2.0, I think that's still too volatile to go into a
Debian stable release so I won't be working on any upload of that
anytime soon. If you want to use 2.0 you can best use the Inverse
packages. When wheezy gets released 2.0 will also have stabilised and
I'll probably start looking at uploading 2.0 for wheezy+1 and
providing 2.0 backports for wheezy.

Kind regards,

Jeroen Dekkers

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