
It seems I have to provision (and restart) SOGo seperatly for each domain that it should handle mail for when using multi domains.

Is there an other way or are there plans for an other way? It seems to me that the domain could easily be taken from the users login (when user user\@domain logins) and SOGo figures out which dc's to use. This way we can leave SOGo alone when new domains are added.

If that is not possible how do I use the defaults command to add and delete a domain or maybe check a domain is allready added? (or maybe the calendar sharing feature could get an option to only share between users in the same domain based on their email address, than I would not need multi domains)

I mean how would I use defaults write sogod ..... to write the multidomains config?

ie: how would the part below be added.

domains = {
acme = {
SOGoMailDomain = acme.com;
SOGoDraftsFolderName = Drafts;
SOGoUserSources = (
type = ldap;
CNFieldName = cn;
IDFieldName = uid;
UIDFieldName = uid;
baseDN = "ou=users,dc=acme,dc=com";
bindDN = "uid=sogo,ou=users,dc=acme,dc=com";
bindPassword = qwerty;
canAuthenticate = YES;
displayName = "Shared Addresses";
hostname = localhost;
id = public_acme;
isAddressBook = YES;
port = 389;
coyote = {
SOGoMailDomain = coyote.com;
SOGoIMAPServer = imap.coyote.com;
SOGoUserSources = (
type = ldap;
CNFieldName = cn;
IDFieldName = uid;
UIDFieldName = uid;
baseDN = "ou=users,dc=coyote,dc=com";
bindDN = "uid=sogo,ou=users,dc=coyote,dc=com";
bindPassword = qwerty;
canAuthenticate = YES;
displayName = "Shared Addresses";
hostname = localhost;
id = public_coyote;
isAddressBook = YES;
port = 389;

And last question,

How will a sogod restart affect users that are using SOGo at that time? I plan to automate adding and deleting so when a new domain gets registered it gets added to SOGo right away (or removed).

Sorry for all my weird questions but I am trying to get SOGo working as a replacement for Horde (and I am almost here). So it should sort of fit in my existing setup.




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