Hello everybody!

Again I faced the problem I tried to describe here earlier.
Unfortunately I couldn’t find any solutions, so I ask you to help me if it’s possible.

sogo Version 2.0.0
Authorization is in Active Directory

Changing CN attribute, the user won’t get authorization till sogo daemon is started on.

Authorization attempt
Jun 03 21:05:48 sogod [10192]: SOGoRootPage Login for user 'test_user' might not have worked - password policy: 65535 grace: -1 expire: -1 bound: 0 - - [03/Jun/2012:21:05:48 GMT] "POST /SOGo/connect HTTP/1.1" 403 34/59 0.003 - - 0

After daemon restart – authorization is on
Jun 03 21:07:12 sogod [10562]: SOGoRootPage successful login for user 'test_user' - expire = -1 grace = -1

My .GNUstepDefaults

    NSGlobalDomain = sogod
    LDAPDebugEnabled = NO
OCSEMailAlarmsFolderURL = mysql://sogo:passw...@mysql.main.domain.ru:3306/sogo/sogo_alarms_folder OCSFolderInfoURL = mysql://sogo:passw...@mysql.main.domain.ru:3306/sogo/sogo_folder_info OCSSessionsFolderURL = mysql://sogo:passw...@mysql.main.domain.ru:3306/sogo/sogo_sessions_folder SOGoProfileURL = mysql://sogo:passw...@mysql.main.domian.ru:3306/sogo/sogo_user_profile
    PGDebugEnabled = NO
    SOGoACLsSendEMailNotifications = NO
    SOGoAppointmentSendEMailNotifications = NO
    SOGoCacheCleanupInterval = 1
    SOGoDayEndTime = 19
    SOGoDayStartTime = 9
    SOGoEnableEMailAlarms = NO
    SOGoFirstDayOfWeek = 1
    SOGoFoldersSendEMailNotifications = NO
    SOGoForwardEnabled = YES
    SOGoIMAPServer = localhost
    SOGoLanguage = Russian
    SOGoMailAuxiliaryUserAccountsEnabled = NO
    SOGoMailComposeMessageType = html
    SOGoMailDomain = domain.ru
    SOGoMailMessageCheck = every_minute
    SOGoSieveScriptsEnabled = YES
    SOGoSieveServer = sieve://localhost
    SOGoSupportedLanguages = {Russian, English}
    SOGoTimeZone = Europe/Moscow
    SOGoUIxDebugEnabled = NO
    SOGoUserSources =
        CNFieldName = cn
        MailFieldNames = mail
        UIDFieldName = sAMAccountName
        baseDN = dc=main,dc=domain,dc=ru
        bindDN = mail-dae...@main.domain.ru
        bindFields = sAMAccountName
        bindPassword = password
        canAuthenticate = NO
        displayName = DOMAIN_PUBLIC_BOOK
        hostname = ldap-server
        id = user_address_book
        isAddressBook = YES
        passwordPolicy = NO
        port = 389
        scope = SUB
        type = ldap
        CNFieldName = cn
        MailFieldNames = mail
        UIDFieldName = sAMAccountName
        baseDN = dc=main,dc=domain,dc=ru
        bindDN = mail-dae...@main.domain.ru
        bindFields = sAMAccountName
        bindPassword = password
        canAuthenticate = YES
        displayName = user_auth_ldap
        hostname = ldap-server
        id = user_auth_ldap
        isAddressBook = NO
        passwordPolicy = NO
        port = 389
        scope = SUB
        type = ldap
    SOGoVacationEnabled = YES
    WOLogFile = /var/log/sogo/sogo.log
    WOWorkersCount = 3



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