At Tue, 10 Jul 2012 10:30:24 +0200,
Buddy Butterfly wrote:
> ACK in all pionts. That is why I would like to see it in Apache.
> They would rewrite the code step by step, I guess.

No, they would do a total rewrite to fit their arcane rules. First of
all it would force everybody to use a mediocore version control system
(subversion), because that's the Apache Way. Then they would remove
all dependencies on stuff that's not under the Apache license. I don't
know how they are going to do that on Linux, because both gtk and qt
are under the LGPL. Or maybe they would just drop Thunderbird for

If the community has to take it over, just put it on github. No need
to put in under a foundation that only adds bureaucratic procedures
and hasn't catched up with this decade yet.

Kind regards,

Jeroen Dekkers

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