Le 26/09/2012 15:13, Sébastien Blin a écrit :

Trying to remove calendars from SOGo webmail.

It did the job, thanks ! But I noticed that the web gui and my thunderbird display different informations (not the same number of calendars; ok for contacts and addressbook).

So I thought it was a misconfiguration of my integrator.
The documentation says :
"the Integrator will use the same user name used to connect to the first email server configured in Thunderbird".

My configuration is particular :
My server with sogo is not an mx. I use fetchmail that pops
an account and forwards to an alias (all Maildir of local accounts). So, in thunderbird, my first account name has a different domain than SOGoMailDomain, but uses the same user/ passwd as the ldap auth. I thought it fits the doc.

So, I changed, my configuration, created the first account of thunderbird with the same domain as SOGoMailDomain (we don't need it but ...) - and created a multiple identity (configuration of thunderbird) with the domain I wanted.
And... all my problems disappeared ! Everything went fine.

So, my question : I misunderstood the doc ? The domain of the first email account must match SOGoMailDomain ?

Btw, I use courier-imap (I read some issues with it)



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