I have read about SoGo fort he first time, as the 2.0 Release. At this time is 
use Zarafa. I have some Questions about SoGo:

-          Is there a limitation by users, like the Zarafa Community Edition? 
(there are 5 Outlook Client Users possible)

-          Can I connect via ActiveSync (This time I use Z-Push 2.0.3 with 

-          Are all fields of a Calendar or Contact Item available? (in special, 
I mean full support of Contact Pictures, eMail Adresses and so on)

-          What for Hardware do I need? Can I install this also on a system 
with ARM Processor?

-          With Outlook 2010, is the eMail Threading View Supported?

Mit freundlichen Gren
Sebastian Pfohl

eMail:    sebast...@pfohlnet.de <mailto:sebast...@pfohlnet.de> 
Internet: http://www.pfohlnet.de <http://www.pfohlnet.de/> 

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