On Mon, 2012-10-01 at 15:11 +0200, Christian Mack wrote:

> Hello mayak
> On 2012-09-29 14:34, mayak-cq wrote:
> > 
> > Just wondering how I can tell what database version sogo is using.
> > 
> Which DBMS do you use?
> MySQL, Postgresql or Oracle?
> You can check your access parameters as user sogo with:
> defaults read sogod OCSSessionsFolderURL
> defaults read sogod SOGoProfileURL
> defaults read sogod OCSFolderInfoURL
> And if you use a DBMS as authorization source with:
> defaults read sogod SOGoUserSources

hi christian,

sorry -- i should have been more specific --

i'm running mysql, but i have upgraded and downgraded so many times,
that i'm not sure if i have the right database structure to match my
sogo version.




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