
do you have correctly set your time zone in ZEG system and in SOGo?

You can adjust the ZEG system time zone by running the following command (it's interractive):
sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata

the default password is "sogo"

Modify the SOGo time zone too:

sudo service sogo stop
defaults write sogod SOGoTimeZone "Europe/Prague"
sudo service sogo start

Use your time zone name you have set in previous step.

Just to share the experience, what Windows do you use and what MS Outlook version?


Dne 17.10.2012 12:56, Burkart Orlowski | Onlinehelp24 napsal(a):
Almost the same for me. An all-day event is shown over 2 days in the web interface but is correctly displayed in Thunderbird. If I create an all-day event for the 16th Oct it is shown on the 16th and on the 17th Oct in the web interface.

Any help is appreciated,

Burkart Orlowski

On 10/09/2012 03:13 PM, Michal Kminek wrote:
I had problems with all-day events created by MS Outlook using the MS Exchange connection on my SOGo server. Therefore I decided to test it on the latest ZEG edition but the problem persist.

I setup SOGo, system and Windows to use the same timezone in ZEG. I found a strange behavior - if the timezone is GMT or any other GMT +h zone then all all-day events created with MS Outlook (2007, 2010) go one day back in the web interface. For example if I create an all-day event to happen on 25th Oct in Outlook it is displayed as an all-day event on 24th Oct in SOGo.

If I setup the time zone as any GMT -h zone everything works fine.

Michal Kminek


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