On 04/01/13 03:21, Christian Naumer wrote:
We are just in the process of moving to Thunderbird 17 and the new extensions. One problem I found on Linux and Windows is that invitations I already accepted are always displayed in the lower right corner of TB (see invitations.png) I I click on that there are no invitations displayed (invitations2.png) accept if there is one that I haven't accepted. After clicking ok everything is as it should be until a restart of TB. Then the same thing happens again.
Anyone have the same Problem? If yes I'll file a bug report.

Extensions are 17.0.2 TB 17 ESR on Windows 7 and Linux with SOGo 2.0.3a.
Try to report it on Mozilla/Lightning's BTS as since TB v10, we do not modify Lightning anymore.


Ludovic Marcotte
+1.514.755.3630  ::  www.inverse.ca
Inverse inc. :: Leaders behind SOGo (www.sogo.nu) and PacketFence 


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