My sogo installation is running on a virtuozo system ( and I have a limit of 1200 "numtcpsock". If I sync my adressbook via thunderbird, I can see via

cat /proc/user_beancounters

that the number of held numtcpsock is going up. But it is not going down again, it just stays there. Now if my server runs for about a day, I reach the limit, which will "disconnect" my server from the outside, since no new connections can be established.

Before reaching the limit, I can ssh into the maschine and restart sogo and the "numtcpsock" value drops from about 1000 back to 50 (which is normal). This is now automated by a cron job, but why is that happening?

Has someone else experienced this?

In my sogo profile I have setup an extra IMAP account ( and when I click through the gmx folders in the sogo web-interface, for each folder-click the "numtcpsock" value increases by 1 or 2 as well. And is not going back down.

Any Idea? The incomming connections vor CardDAV and CalDAV are http request, right? Can I tweak something there?


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