Le 29/01/2013 16:40, Jean Raby a écrit :
On 13-01-29 5:54 AM, remi.caillet...@3sr-grenoble.fr wrote:
I got the same error witch 2.0.4 update. My configuration is in
.GnuDefaults format, and bindFields is set (it was working on 2.0.3a. I
tried to use sogo-tool dump-defaults, without success :

WARNING: Using default signature for
dataWithPropertyList:format:options:error: ... either the method for
that selector is not implemented by the receiver, or you must be using
an old/faulty version of the Objective-C runtime library.
sogo-tool: Uncaught exception NSInvalidArgumentException, reason: Can
not determine type information for +[NSPropertyListSerialization
Ouch, sorry about that!
This is fixed now, see this commit:


thx for reactivity ;)
What errors do you see in the sogo log file and could you post a log of the ldap requests made by sogo?

Here is debug log with LDAPDebugEnabled.It's from our test server, which face the same issue.

Jan 29 17:52:20 sogod [1633]: <0x0x7f92ec44d1a0[NGLdapConnection]> Using ldap_init (deprecated) for LDAP host:port ***:389 Jan 29 17:52:20 sogod [1633]: <0x0x7f92ec48a5b0[NGLdapConnection]> Using ldap_init (deprecated) for LDAP host:port ***:389 2013-01-29 17:52:20.767 sogod[1633] -[NGLdapConnection _searchAtBaseDN:qualifier:attributes:scope:]: search with at base filter for attrs 2013-01-29 17:52:20.768 sogod[1633] -[NGLdapConnection _searchAtBaseDN:qualifier:attributes:scope:]: search with at base  filter for attrs 2013-01-29 17:52:20.784 sogod[1633] -[NGLdapConnection _searchAtBaseDN:qualifier:attributes:scope:]: search with at base filter for attrs Jan 29 17:52:20 sogod [1633]: <0x0x7f92ec3b3f30[LDAPSource]> <NSException: 0x7f92ec58d160> NAME:LDAPException REASON:operation bind failed: Invalid credentials (0x31) INFO:{login = "cn=r\\C3\\A9mi cailletaud,ou=utilisateurs,dc=domain,dc=local"; } Jan 29 17:52:20 sogod [1633]: SOGoRootPage Login for user 'cailletaud.remi' might not have worked - password policy: 65535 grace: -1 expire: -1 bound: 0 localhost - - [29/Jan/2013:17:52:20 GMT] "POST /SOGo/connect HTTP/1.1" 403 34/53 0.040 - - 636K


Le 28/01/2013 18:20, Luis Angel Fernandez Fernandez a écrit :

  I am still trying to set up a multi domain SOGo but with no success
so far.

  When I try to log into SOGo this is what I get in samba logs:

[2013/01/28 18:15:17,  3]
  ldb_wrap open of secrets.ldb
[2013/01/28 18:15:17,  3]
  auth_check_password_send: Checking password for unmapped user
  auth_check_password_send: mapped user is:
[2013/01/28 18:15:17,  3]
  ntlm_password_check: NO NT password stored for user
[2013/01/28 18:15:17,  2]
  auth_check_password_recv: sam_ignoredomain authentication for user
[ALIRATIUN\$8CE6ED97-A469161AE3BF0489] FAILED with error
[2013/01/28 18:15:17,  3]
  Terminating connection - 'ldapsrv_call_loop:
tstream_read_pdu_blob_recv() - NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED'
[2013/01/28 18:15:17,  3]
  single_terminate: reason[ldapsrv_call_loop:
tstream_read_pdu_blob_recv() - NT_STATUS_CONNECTION_DISCONNECTED]

  and this in sogo logs:

Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: |SOGo| starting method 'POST' on uri
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: |SOGo| traverse(acquire): SOGo => connect
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: |SOGo|   do traverse name: 'SOGo'
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: <[so-security]>D validate object:
<SOGo[0x0x141c534]: name=SOGo>
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: <[so-security]>D object is public.
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: <[so-security]>D validate key SOGo of
object: <SOGo[0x0x141c534]: name=SOGo>
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: <[so-security]>D found no security info
for key (class SOGo): SOGo
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: <[so-security]>D default is allow ...
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: |SOGo|   do traverse name: 'connect'
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: <[so-security]>D validate key connect of
object: <SOGo[0x0x141c534]: name=SOGo>
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: <[so-security]>D validate permission
'<public>' on object: <SOGo[0x0x141c534]: name=SOGo>
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: <[so-security]>D successfully validated
permission '<public>'.
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: <[so-security]>D successfully validated
key (connect).
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: <[so-security]>D validate object:
<0x0x168572c[SoPageInvocation]: class=SOGoRootPage action=connect
bound instantiated product=<0x0x1409a4c[SoProduct]: loaded code-loaded
bundle=/usr/local/GNUstep/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/MainUI.SOGo #classes=8
#categories=4 rm=0x0x140bf0c>>
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: <[so-security]>D object is public.
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: <[so-security]>D validate key connect of
object: <SOGo[0x0x141c534]: name=SOGo>
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: <[so-security]>D validate permission
'<public>' on object: <SOGo[0x0x141c534]: name=SOGo>
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: <[so-security]>D successfully validated
permission '<public>'.
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: <[so-security]>D successfully validated
key (connect).
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: |SOGo| set clientObject:
<SOGo[0x0x141c534]: name=SOGo>
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: <0x0x15ff854[NGLdapConnection]> Using
ldap_init (deprecated) for LDAP host:port
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: <0x0x15a0814[LDAPSource]> <NSException:
0x167582c> NAME:LDAPException REASON:operation bind failed: Invalid
credentials (0x31) INFO:{login =
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: SOGoRootPage Login for user
'luisangel.fernandez' might not have worked - password policy: 65535
 grace: -1  expire: -1  bound: 0
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: |SOGo| request took 0.023024 seconds to
Jan 28 18:16:23 sogod [5721]: <0x0x16f169c[WOResponse]> Zipping of
response disabled - - [28/Jan/2013:18:16:23 GMT] "POST /SOGo/connect
HTTP/1.1" 403 34/83 0.027 - - 0

  Using tcpdump I don't see sogo using binddn anywhere, just the
simple bind with the user dn.  What am I missing? I


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Rémi Cailletaud - IE CNRS
3SR - Laboratoire Sols, Solides, Structures - Risques
BP53, 38041 Grenoble CEDEX 0
Tél: +33 (0)4 76 82 52 78
Fax: +33 (0)4 76 82 70 43

Rémi Cailletaud - IE CNRS
3SR - Laboratoire Sols, Solides, Structures - Risques
BP53, 38041 Grenoble CEDEX 0
Tél: +33 (0)4 76 82 52 78
Fax: +33 (0)4 76 82 70 43


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